30 Nisan 2013 Salı

Haberler: Kraliçe öldü, yaşasın Kral!

Ülke, 123 yıl sonra krala kavuştu

Hollanda'da yeni kral tahta geçti

30 Nisan 2013  13:22
Hollanda Kraliçesi Beatrix, 33 yıldır oturduğu tahtı büyük oğlu veliaht Prens Willem Alexander'a bıraktı. Başkent Amsterdam'da düzenlenen törende krallık tacını takan Willem Alexander, 123 yıl aradan sonra ülkede tahta geçen ilk erkek oldu. Kraliçe Beatrix, başkent Amsterdam'daki Kraliyet Sarayı'nda Başbakan Mark Rutte, Senato ve Meclis başkanları ile kabine üyelerinin hazır bulunduğu törende, tahttan çekildiğine dair feragatnameyi imzalayarak görevi oğluna devretti. Beatrix'ten sonra aynı belgeyi Willem Alexander ve eşi Prenses Maxima imzaladı. Willem Alexander Kral olurken, eşi Maxima da Kraliçe unvanını aldı. Törenden sonra Kraliyet Sarayı'nın balkonuna çıkan Beatrix, alanı dolduran binlerce kişiye "Yeni kralımız" diyerek Kral Willem Alexander ve Kraliçe Maxima'yı takdim etti. Halkın büyük sevgi gösterisinde bulunduğu Kral Willem Alexander, annesine teşekkür etti. Üçlü, halkı selamladıktan sonra saraya geri döndü. Yasalara göre, 46 yaşındaki Prens Willem Alexander, sembolik devlet başkanlığına denk gelen Krallığın yanı sıra Danıştay Başkanlığı görevini de üstlenirken, büyük kızı Prenses Amalia tahtın yasal varisliğini elde etti.-İkinci tören Nieuwe Kerk Kilisesi'nde-  Törenin ardından Kraliyet Sarayı'nın yanında bulunan Nieuwe Kerk Kilisesi'ne geçecek olan Kral Willem Alexander, burada Senato ve Meclis başkanlarıyla hükümet üyelerinin hazır olacağı oturumda yemin edecek. Senato Başkanı Fred de Graaf'ın yöneteceği özel oturumda, milletvekilleri ve senatörler de Kral ve Anayasa'ya sadakatlerini bildiren yemini edecek. Söz konusu yemin, bu özel oturuma katılan siyasilerle sınırlı olacak. Bu yüzden daha önce yemin etmeme kararı alan, aralarında Sosyalist Partili (SP) Sadet Karabulut'un da bulunduğu 14 milletvekili ve senatör bu oturuma katılmayacak. Nieuwe Kerk Kilisesi'ndeki törende, aralarında Türkiye, İngiltere, Belçika, Danimarka ve İspanya'nın da yer aldığı 30 kadar ülkeden yaklaşık 200 kişilik üst düzey davetli hazır bulunacak. Törene Kraliyet ailesinin özel davetlisi olarak Hollanda'ya gelen Başbakan Yardımcısı Ali Babacan ile eşi Zeynep Babacan ve Türkiye'nin Lahey Büyükelçisi Uğur Doğan da katılacak. Kilisedeki törenden sonra davetlilere Kraliyet Sarayı'nda resepsiyon verecek olan Kral Wilem Alexander, ardından gemiyle halkı selamlayacak. (AA, zaman)

2013 yılının sürpriz istifalarından biriydi Kraliçeninki. Kraliçe, aylar öncesinden tahttan feragat edeceğini bildirdiydi. 

Dutch King Willem-Alexander, Queen Maxima, right, and Princess Beatrix appear on the balcony of the Royal Palace in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Tuesday April 30, 2013. Around a million people are expected to descend on the Dutch capital for a huge street party to celebrate the first new Dutch monarch in 33 years. (AP Photo/Daniel Ochoa de Olza) 

AMSTERDAM (AP) — Willem-Alexander became the first Dutch king in more than a century Tuesday as his mother, Beatrix, abdicated after 33 years as queen. The generational change in the House of Orange-Nassau gave the Netherlands a moment of celebration, pageantry and brief respite as this trading nation of nearly 17 million struggles through a lengthy recession brought on by the European economic crisis. Visibly emotional, the much-loved Beatrix ended her reign in a nationally televised signing ceremony as thousands of orange-clad people cheered outside. Millions more were expected to watch on television. King Willem-Alexander gripped his mother's hand and looked briefly into her eyes after they both signed the abdication document in the Royal Palace on downtown Amsterdam's Dam Square. Beatrix looked close to tears as she then appeared on a balcony overlooking some 20,000 of her subjects. "I am happy and grateful to introduce to you your new king, Willem-Alexander," she told the cheering crowd, which chanted: "Bea bedankt" ("Thanks Bea.") Moments later, in a striking symbol of the generational shift, she left the balcony and King Willem-Alexander, his wife and three daughters — the children in matching yellow dresses and headbands — waved to the crowd. "Dear mother, today you relinquished the throne. 33 years moving and inspiring years. We are intensely, intensely grateful to you," the new king said. The former queen becomes Princess Beatrix and her son becomes the first Dutch king since Willem III died in 1890. The 46-year-old king's popular Argentine-born wife became Queen Maxima and their eldest of three daughters, Catharina-Amalia, who attended the ceremony wearing a yellow dress, became Princess of Orange and first in line to the throne. Els Nederstigt, 38, said she got up at 5:30 a.m. to travel to Amsterdam and sat on a camping stool close to the Royal Palace wearing an orange cowboy hat and tiara. "It's a special moment. I was a very small girl when Beatrix came to the throne so this is the first change in the monarchy I can really experience," she said. "We were here when Willem-Alexander and Maxima got married and what you remember is that you were there — you forget how early you had to get up and how tired you were." The square was overwhelmingly orange, but one blue and white Argentine flag being held up in front of the palace was emblazoned with the Dutch language text: "Netherlands thanks for loving and having faith in Maxima." The day is expected to be a huge party culminating in a boat trip by the new king and queen around the Ij waterway, but security also was tight with thousands of police — uniformed and plain clothes — and an untold number of civil servants assisting in the logistics. Police said one man was arrested on Dam Square shortly after the abdication for not following officers' orders. The airspace above Amsterdam was closed Monday for three days. Dutch police swept Dam square for bombs, with assistance from German agents with sniffer dogs. Royal guests from 18 countries are attending, including Britain's Prince Charles and his wife, Camilla, and the Japanese Crown Prince Naruhito and Crown Princess Masako. Charles was also in attendance when Beatrix was crowned in 1980. Observers believe Beatrix remained on the throne for so long in part because she was seen as a stabilizing factor in the country that struggled to assimilate more and more immigrants, mainly Muslims from North Africa, and shifted away from its traditional reputation as one of the world's most tolerant nations. In recent years, speculation about when she might abdicate had grown, as she endured personal losses that both softened her image and increased her popularity further as the public sympathized. Her husband Prince Claus died in 2002; and last year her youngest son, Prince Friso, was hit by an avalanche while skiing in Austria and suffered severe brain damage. Friso remains in a near comatose state. [AP, yahoo]