Batı Yazını - Bir Sınıflandırma (1)
Aşağıdaki metinlerin hemen hepsini (orjinali ya da ingilizcesi) elk. kit.a ekledim. Şimdi türkçe ve almanca ile diğer dillerdeki yayınları araştırıyorum. Sırasıyla: önce düzenlemeler ve düzeltmelere; sonra da kritik edisyonuna başlayacağım.
A. The Theocratic Age (İnanışlar Çağı)
- THE ANCIENT NEAR EAST Gilgamesh, translated by David Ferry
- The Egyptian Book of the Dead
- The Holy Bible, Authorized King James Version
- The Apocrypha
- Sayings of the Fathers (Pirke Aboth), translated by R. Travers Herford
- ANCIENT INDIA (SANSKRIT)The Mahabharata There is an abridged translation by William Buck, and a dramatic version by Jean Claude Carriere, translated by Peter Brook
- The Bhagavad-Gita The crucial religious section of Mahabharata, Book 6, translated by Barbara Stoler Miller
- The Ramayana There is an abridged prose version by William Buck, and a retelling by R. K. Narayan
- THE ANCIENT GREEKSHomer The Iliad, translated by Richmond Lattimore ; The Odyssey, translated by Robert Fitzgerald
- Hesiod The Works and Days; Theogony, translated by Richmond Lattimore
- Archilochos , Sappho, Alkman translated by Guy Davenport
- Pindar The Odes, translated by Richmond Lattimore
- Aeschylus The Oresteia, translated by Robert Fagles ; Seven against Thebes, translated by Anthony Hecht and Helen H. Bacon ; Prometheus Bound ; The Persians ; The Suppliant Women
- Sophocles Oedipus the King, translated by Stephen Berg and Diskin Clay ; Oedipus at Colonus, translated by Robert Fitzgerald ; Antigone, translated by Robert Fagles ; Electra ; Ajax ; Women of Trachis ; Philoctetes
- Euripides (translated by William Arrowsmith) ; Cyclops ; Heracles ; Alcestis ; Hecuba ; The Bacchae ; Orestes ; Andromache ; Medea, translated by Rex Warner ; Ion, translated by H. D. (Hilda Doolittle) ; Hippolytus, translated by Robert Bagg ; Helen, translated by Richmond Lattimore ; Iphigeneia at Aulis, translated by W. S. Merwin and George Dimock
- Aristophanes The Birds, translated by William Arrowsmith ; The Clouds, translated by William Arrowsmith ; The Frogs ; Lysistrata ; The Knights ; The Wasps ; The Assemblywomen (also called The Parliament of Women)
- Herodotus The Histories
- Thucydides The Peloponnesian War
- The Pre-Socratics (Heraclitus, Empedodes) + Some others from Thales up to Diogenes including Socrates
- Plato Dialogues
- Aristotle Poetics ; Ethics
- HELLENISTIC GREEKS Menander The Girl from Samos, translated by Eric G. Turner
- "Longinus" On the Sublime
- Callimachus Hymns and Epigrams
- Theocritus Idylls, translated by Daryl Hine
- Plutarch Lives, translated by John Dryden Moralia
- "Aesop" Fables
- Lucian Satires
- THE ROMANS Plautus Pseudolus ; The Braggart Soldier ; The Rope ;Amphitryon
- Terence (Terentius) The Girl from Andros ; The Eunuch ; The Mother-in-Law
- Lucretius The Way Things Are, translated by Rolfe Humphries
- Cicero On the Gods
- Horace Odes, translated by James Michie ; Epistles ; Satires
- Persius Satires, translated by W. S. Merwin
- Catullus Attis, translated by Horace Gregory ; Other poems translated by Richard Crashaw, Abraham Cowley, Walter Savage Landor, and a host of English poets
- Virgil The Aeneid, translated by Robert Fitzgerald ; Eclogues and Georgics, translated by john Dryden
- Lucan Pharsalia
- Ovid Metamorphoses, translated by George Sandys ; The Art of Love ; Epistulae heroidum or Heroides, translated by Daryl Hine
- Juvenal Satires
- Martial Epigrams, translated by James Michie
- Seneca Tragedies, particularly Medea; and Hercules furens, as translated by Thomas Heywood
- Petronius Satyricon, translated by William Arrowsmith
- Apuleius The Golden Ass, translated by Robert Graves
- The Koran, Al-Qur'an: A Contemporary Translation by Ahmad Ali
- The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night
- The Poetic Edda, translated by Lee Hollander Snorri Sturluson The Prose Edda
- The Nibelungen Lied
- Wolfram von Eschenbach Parzival
- Chretien de Troyes Yvain: The Knight of the Lion, translated by Burton Raffel
- Beowult translated by Charles W. Kennedy
- The Poem of the Cid, translated by W. S. Merwin
- Christine de Pisan The Book of the City of Ladies, translated by Earl Richards
- Diego de San Pedro Prison of Love
- Tacitus