10 Kasım 2013 Pazar

Batı Yazını - Bir Sınıflandırma

Batı Yazını - Bir Sınıflandırma (1)

Aşağıdaki metinlerin hemen hepsini (orjinali ya da ingilizcesi) elk. kit.a ekledim. Şimdi türkçe ve almanca ile diğer dillerdeki yayınları araştırıyorum. Sırasıyla: önce düzenlemeler ve düzeltmelere; sonra da kritik edisyonuna başlayacağım.

A. The Theocratic Age (İnanışlar Çağı)

  1. THE ANCIENT NEAR EAST Gilgamesh, translated by David Ferry
  2. The Egyptian Book of the Dead
  3. The Holy Bible, Authorized King James Version
  4. The Apocrypha
  5. Sayings of the Fathers (Pirke Aboth), translated by R. Travers Herford
  6. ANCIENT INDIA (SANSKRIT)The Mahabharata There is an abridged translation by William Buck, and a dramatic version by Jean Claude Carriere, translated by Peter Brook
  7. The Bhagavad-Gita The crucial religious section of Mahabharata, Book 6, translated by Barbara Stoler Miller
  8. The Ramayana There is an abridged prose version by William Buck, and a retelling by R. K. Narayan
  9. THE ANCIENT GREEKSHomer The Iliad, translated by Richmond Lattimore ; The Odyssey, translated by Robert Fitzgerald
  10. Hesiod The Works and Days; Theogony, translated by Richmond Lattimore
  11. Archilochos , Sappho, Alkman translated by Guy Davenport
  12. Pindar The Odes, translated by Richmond Lattimore
  13. Aeschylus The Oresteia, translated by Robert Fagles ; Seven against Thebes, translated by Anthony Hecht and Helen H. Bacon ; Prometheus Bound ; The Persians ; The Suppliant Women
  14. Sophocles Oedipus the King, translated by Stephen Berg and Diskin Clay ; Oedipus at Colonus, translated by Robert Fitzgerald ; Antigone, translated by Robert Fagles ; Electra ; Ajax ; Women of Trachis ; Philoctetes
  15. Euripides (translated by William Arrowsmith) ; Cyclops ; Heracles ; Alcestis ; Hecuba ; The Bacchae ; Orestes ; Andromache ; Medea, translated by Rex Warner ; Ion, translated by H. D. (Hilda Doolittle) ; Hippolytus, translated by Robert Bagg ; Helen, translated by Richmond Lattimore ; Iphigeneia at Aulis, translated by W. S. Merwin and George Dimock
  16. Aristophanes The Birds, translated by William Arrowsmith ; The Clouds, translated by William Arrowsmith ; The Frogs ; Lysistrata ; The Knights ; The Wasps ; The Assemblywomen (also called The Parliament of Women)
  17. Herodotus The Histories
  18. Thucydides The Peloponnesian War
  19. The Pre-Socratics (Heraclitus, Empedodes) + Some others from Thales up to Diogenes including Socrates
  20. Plato Dialogues
  21. Aristotle Poetics ; Ethics
  22. HELLENISTIC GREEKS Menander The Girl from Samos, translated by Eric G. Turner
  23. "Longinus" On the Sublime
  24. Callimachus Hymns and Epigrams
  25. Theocritus Idylls, translated by Daryl Hine
  26. Plutarch Lives, translated by John Dryden Moralia
  27. "Aesop"  Fables
  28. Lucian Satires
  29. THE ROMANS Plautus Pseudolus ; The Braggart Soldier ; The Rope ;Amphitryon
  30. Terence (Terentius) The Girl from Andros ; The Eunuch ; The Mother-in-Law
  31. Lucretius The Way Things Are, translated by Rolfe Humphries
  32. Cicero On the Gods
  33. Horace Odes, translated by James Michie ; Epistles ; Satires
  34. Persius Satires, translated by W. S. Merwin
  35. Catullus Attis, translated by Horace Gregory ; Other poems translated by Richard Crashaw, Abraham Cowley, Walter Savage Landor, and a host of English poets
  36. Virgil The Aeneid, translated by Robert Fitzgerald ; Eclogues and Georgics, translated by john Dryden
  37. Lucan Pharsalia
  38. Ovid Metamorphoses, translated by George Sandys ; The Art of Love ; Epistulae heroidum or Heroides, translated by Daryl Hine
  39. Juvenal Satires
  40. Martial Epigrams, translated by James Michie
  41. Seneca Tragedies, particularly Medea; and Hercules furens, as translated by Thomas Heywood
  42. Petronius Satyricon, translated by William Arrowsmith
  43. Apuleius The Golden Ass, translated by Robert Graves
  44. THE MIDDLE AGES: LATIN, ARABIC, AND THE VERNACULAR BEFORE DANTE Saint Augustine The City of God, The Confessions
  45. The Koran, Al-Qur'an: A Contemporary Translation by Ahmad Ali
  46. The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night
  47. The Poetic Edda, translated by Lee Hollander Snorri Sturluson The Prose Edda
  48. The Nibelungen Lied
  49. Wolfram von Eschenbach Parzival
  50. Chretien de Troyes Yvain: The Knight of the Lion, translated by Burton Raffel
  51. Beowult translated by Charles W. Kennedy
  52. The Poem of the Cid, translated by W. S. Merwin
  53. Christine de Pisan The Book of the City of Ladies, translated by Earl Richards
  54. Diego de San Pedro Prison of Love 
  55. Tacitus