Italo Calvino Kitapları.
Başlıca Eserleri
İkiye Bölünen Vikont
Savaşa Giriş
Ağaca Tüneyen Baron
Varolmayan Şövalye
Sandık Müşahidi
Marcovaldo ya da Kentte Mevsimler
Emlak Vurgunu
Kozmokomik Öyküler
Kirli Hava Bulutu
Arjantin Karıncası
Sıfır Zaman
Kesişen Yazgılar Şatosu
Görünmez Kentler
Bir Kış Gecesi Eğer Bir Yolcu
Paris’te Münzevi
Jaguar Güneş Altında
Amerika Ders Notları
Üç Deneme
Örümceklerin Yuvalandığı Patika
İkiye Bölünen Vikont
Savaşa Giriş
Ağaca Tüneyen Baron
Varolmayan Şövalye
Sandık Müşahidi
Marcovaldo ya da Kentte Mevsimler
Emlak Vurgunu
Kozmokomik Öyküler
Kirli Hava Bulutu
Arjantin Karıncası
Sıfır Zaman
Kesişen Yazgılar Şatosu
Görünmez Kentler
Bir Kış Gecesi Eğer Bir Yolcu
Paris’te Münzevi
Jaguar Güneş Altında
Amerika Ders Notları
Üç Deneme
Örümceklerin Yuvalandığı Patika
Selected bibliography
A selected bibliography of Calvino's writings, listing the works that have been translated into and published in English, and a few major untranslated works. More exhaustive bibliographies can be found in Martin McLaughlin's Italo Calvino, and Beno Weiss's Understanding Italo Calvino.[43][44]
A selected bibliography of Calvino's writings, listing the works that have been translated into and published in English, and a few major untranslated works. More exhaustive bibliographies can be found in Martin McLaughlin's Italo Calvino, and Beno Weiss's Understanding Italo Calvino.[43][44]
Fiction Title Original publication English translation Translator
Il sentiero dei nidi di ragno The Path to the Nest of Spiders The Path to the Spiders' Nests 1947 1957 1998 Archibald Colquhoun Martin McLaughlin El sendero de los nidos de arana
Il visconte dimezzato The Cloven Viscount 1952 1962 Archibald Colquhoun El vescomte migpartit El vizconde demediado Ikiye Bolunen Vikont
La formica argentina The Argentine Ant 1952 1957 Archibald Colquhoun La hormiga argentina
Fiabe Italiane Italian Fables Italian Folk Tales Italian Folktales 1956 1961 1975 1980 Louis Brigante Sylvia Mulcahy George Martin
Il barone rampante The Baron in the Trees 1957 1959 Archibald Colquhoun El baron rampante
La speculazione edilizia A Plunge into Real Estate 1957 1984 D. S. Carne-Ross
Il cavaliere inesistente The Nonexistent Knight 1959 1962 Archibald Colquhoun El Caballero Inexistente
La giornata d'uno scrutatore The Watcher 1963 1971 William Weaver
Marcovaldo ovvero le stagioni in città Marcovaldo or the Seasons in the City 1963 1983 William Weaver
La nuvola di smog Smog 1965 1971 William Weaver
Le cosmicomiche Cosmicomics 1965 1968 William Weaver Les cosmicòmiques Las Cosmicomicas
Ti con zero t zero (also published as Time and the Hunter) 1967 1969 William Weaver
Il castello dei destini incrociati The Castle of Crossed Destinies 1969 1977 William Weaver
Gli amori difficili Difficult Loves (also the title of 2 different collections) 1970 1984 William Weaver Los Amores Difíciles
Le città invisibili Invisible Cities 1972 1974 William Weaver
Se una notte d'inverno un viaggiatore If on a winter's night a traveler 1979 1981 William Weaver
Palomar Mr. Palomar 1983 1985 William Weaver
La formica argentina The Argentine Ant 1952 1957 Archibald Colquhoun La hormiga argentina
Fiabe Italiane Italian Fables Italian Folk Tales Italian Folktales 1956 1961 1975 1980 Louis Brigante Sylvia Mulcahy George Martin
Il barone rampante The Baron in the Trees 1957 1959 Archibald Colquhoun El baron rampante
La speculazione edilizia A Plunge into Real Estate 1957 1984 D. S. Carne-Ross
Il cavaliere inesistente The Nonexistent Knight 1959 1962 Archibald Colquhoun El Caballero Inexistente
La giornata d'uno scrutatore The Watcher 1963 1971 William Weaver
Marcovaldo ovvero le stagioni in città Marcovaldo or the Seasons in the City 1963 1983 William Weaver
La nuvola di smog Smog 1965 1971 William Weaver
Le cosmicomiche Cosmicomics 1965 1968 William Weaver Les cosmicòmiques Las Cosmicomicas
Ti con zero t zero (also published as Time and the Hunter) 1967 1969 William Weaver
Il castello dei destini incrociati The Castle of Crossed Destinies 1969 1977 William Weaver
Gli amori difficili Difficult Loves (also the title of 2 different collections) 1970 1984 William Weaver Los Amores Difíciles
Le città invisibili Invisible Cities 1972 1974 William Weaver
Se una notte d'inverno un viaggiatore If on a winter's night a traveler 1979 1981 William Weaver
Palomar Mr. Palomar 1983 1985 William Weaver
Fiction collections Title Original publication English translation Translator
Ultimo viene il corvo The Crow Comes Last 1949 – – 30 short stories: ? (some of these stories appear in Adam, One Afternoon, and other collections).
– Adam, One Afternoon and Other Stories – 1957 Archibald Colquhoun, Peggy Wright 21 short stories: Adam, One Afternoon; The Enchanted Garden; Father to Son; A Goatherd at Luncheon; Leaving Again Shortly; The House of the Beehives; Fear on the Footpath; Hunger at Bévera; Going to Headquarters; The Crow Comes Last; One of the Three is Still Alive; Animal Wood; Theft in a Cake Shop; Dollars and the Demi-Mondaine; Sleeping Like Dogs; Desire in November; A Judgment; The Cat and the Policeman; Who Put the Mine in the Sea?; The Argentine Ant.
I nostri antenati Our Ancestors 1960 1962 Archibald Colquhoun 3 novels: The Cloven Viscount; The Baron in the Trees; The Nonexistent Knight.
– The Watcher and Other Stories – 1971 Archibald Colquhoun, William Weaver 3 short stories: The Watcher; The Argentine Ant; Smog.
– Difficult Loves – 1983 William Weaver, D. S. Carne-Ross 3 novellas: Difficult Loves; Smog; A Plunge into Real Estate.
– Difficult Loves – 1984 William Weaver, Archibald Colquhoun, Peggy Wright The novella, Difficult Loves, and 20 short stories: Adam, One Afternoon; The Enchanted Garden; A Goatherd at Luncheon; The House of the Beehives; Big Fish, Little Fish; A Ship Loaded with Crabs; Man in the Wasteland; Lazy Sons; Fear on the Footpath; Hunger at Bévera; Going to Headquarters; The Crow Comes Last; One of the Three Is Still Alive; Animal Woods; Mine Field; Theft in a Pastry Shop; Dollars and the Demimondaine; Sleeping like Dogs; Desire in November; Transit Bed.
Sotto il sole giaguaro Under the Jaguar Sun 1986 1988 William Weaver3 short stories: Under the Jaguar Sun; A King Listens; The Name, The Nose.
Prima che tu dica 'Pronto' Numbers in the Dark and Other Stories 1993 1996 Tim Parks 37 short stories: The Man Who Shouted Teresa; The Flash; Making Do; Dry River; Conscience; Solidarity; The Black Sheep; Good for Nothing; Like a Flight of Ducks; Love Far from Home; Wind in a City; The Lost Regiment; Enemy Eyes; A General in the Library; The Workshop Hen; Numbers in the Dark; The Queen's Necklace; Becalmed in the Antilles; The Tribe with Its Eyes on the Sky; Nocturnal Soliloquy of a Scottish Nobleman; A Beautiful March Day; World Memory; Beheading the Heads; The Burning of the Abominable House; The Petrol Pump; Neanderthal Man; Montezuma; Before You Say 'Hello'; Glaciation; The Call of the Water; The Mirror, the Target; The Other Eurydice; The Memoirs of Casanova; Henry Ford; The Last Channel; Implosion; Nothing and Not Much.
Tutte le cosmicomiche The Complete Cosmicomics 1997 2009 Martin McLaughlin, Tim Parks, William Weaver The collections Cosmicomics and t zero, 4 stories from Numbers in the Dark and Other Stories, and 7 stories newly translated by Martin McLaughlin.
Essays and other writings Title Original publication English translation Translator
Orlando furioso di Ludovico Ariosto – 1970 – – An interpretation of the epic poem, and selections.
Autobiografia di uno spettatore Autobiography of a Spectator 1974 – – Preface to Fellini's Quattro film.
Introduction to Faits divers de la terre et du ciel by Silvina Ocampo – 1974 – – With a preface by Jorge Luis Borges.
Una pietra sopra: Discorsi di letteratura e società The Uses of Literature (also published as The Literature Machine) 1980 1986 Patrick Creagh Essays on literature.
Racconti fantastici dell'ottocento (2 volumes) Fantastic Tales 1983 1997 ? Anthology of classic supernatural stories.
Science et métaphore chez Galilée Science and Metaphor in Galileo Galilei 1983 – – Lectures given at the École des hautes études in Paris.
The Written and the Unwritten Word[45] 1983 1983 William Weaver Lecture at the New York Institute for the Humanities on 30 March 1983
Collezione di sabbia Collection of Sand 1984 – – Journalistic essays from 1974–1984 Coleccion de arena
Lezioni americane: Sei proposte per il prossimo millennio Six Memos for the Next Millennium 1988 1993 Patrick Creagh Originally prepared for the Charles Eliot Norton Lectures. On the values of literature. Seis Propuestas Para El Próximo Milenio
Sulla fiaba – 1988 – – Essays on fables.
I libri degli altri. Lettere 1947–1981 – 1991 – – Letters that Calvino wrote to other authors, whilst he worked at Einaudi.
Perché leggere i classici Why Read the Classics? 1991 1993 Martin McLaughlinEssays on classic literature.
Orlando furioso di Ludovico Ariosto – 1970 – – An interpretation of the epic poem, and selections.
Autobiografia di uno spettatore Autobiography of a Spectator 1974 – – Preface to Fellini's Quattro film.
Introduction to Faits divers de la terre et du ciel by Silvina Ocampo – 1974 – – With a preface by Jorge Luis Borges.
Una pietra sopra: Discorsi di letteratura e società The Uses of Literature (also published as The Literature Machine) 1980 1986 Patrick Creagh Essays on literature.
Racconti fantastici dell'ottocento (2 volumes) Fantastic Tales 1983 1997 ? Anthology of classic supernatural stories.
Science et métaphore chez Galilée Science and Metaphor in Galileo Galilei 1983 – – Lectures given at the École des hautes études in Paris.
The Written and the Unwritten Word[45] 1983 1983 William Weaver Lecture at the New York Institute for the Humanities on 30 March 1983
Collezione di sabbia Collection of Sand 1984 – – Journalistic essays from 1974–1984 Coleccion de arena
Lezioni americane: Sei proposte per il prossimo millennio Six Memos for the Next Millennium 1988 1993 Patrick Creagh Originally prepared for the Charles Eliot Norton Lectures. On the values of literature. Seis Propuestas Para El Próximo Milenio
Sulla fiaba – 1988 – – Essays on fables.
I libri degli altri. Lettere 1947–1981 – 1991 – – Letters that Calvino wrote to other authors, whilst he worked at Einaudi.
Perché leggere i classici Why Read the Classics? 1991 1993 Martin McLaughlinEssays on classic literature.
Autobiographical works Title Original publication English translation Translator
L'entrata in guerra Into the War 1954 2011 Martin McLaughlin
La strada di San Giovanni The Road to San Giovanni 1990 1993 Tim Parks
Eremita a Parigi. Pagine autobiografiche Hermit in Paris 1994 2003 Martin McLaughlin
Album Calvino– 1995 – –
Libretti Title Original performance
La panchina. Opera in un atto The Bench: One-Act Opera 1956
Libretto for the opera by Sergio Liberovici.La vera storia 1982
Libretto for the opera by Luciano Berio.Un re in ascolto A King Listens 1984
Libretto for the opera by Luciano Berio, based on Calvino's 1977 short story "A King Listens".[46]
Translations Original Title Translated title Original Author Original publication Translated publication
Les fleurs bleues I fiori blu Raymond Queneau 1965 1967
Le chant du Styrène La canzone del polistirene Raymond Queneau 1958 1985
Selected filmography
Boccaccio '70, 1962 (co-wrote screenplay of Renzo e Luciano segment directed by Mario Monicelli)
L'Amore difficile, 1963 (wrote L'avventura di un soldato segment directed by Nino Manfredi)
Tiko and the Shark, 1964 (co-wrote screenplay directed by Folco Quilici)
Film and television adaptations
The Nonexistent Knight by Pino Zac, 1969 (Italian animated film based on the novel)
Amores dificiles by Ana Luisa Ligouri, 1983 (13' Mexican short)
L'Aventure d'une baigneuse by Philippe Donzelot, 1991 (14' French short based on The Adventure of a Bather in Difficult Loves )
Fantaghirò by Lamberto Bava, 1991 (TV adaptation based on Fanta-Ghirò the Beautiful in Italian Folktales)
Solidarity by Nancy Kiang, 2006 (10' American short)
Conscience by Yu-Hsiu Camille Chen, 2009 (10' Australian short)
Films on Calvino
Damian Pettigrew, Inside Italo (Lo specchio di Calvino, 2012). Co-produced by Arte France, Italy's Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali, and the National Film Board of Canada, the recently completed feature-length docufiction stars Neri Marcorè as the Italian writer and critic Pietro Citati. The film also uses in-depth conversations videotaped at Calvino's Rome penthouse a year before his death in 1985 and rare footage from RAI, INA (Institut national de l'audiovisuel), and BBC television archives.[47] The 52-minute French version titled, Dans la peau d'Italo Calvino ("Being Italo Calvino"), was broadcast by Arte France on 19 December 2012.[48]
Opere ne "I Meridiani" Mondadori
Romanzi e racconti, ed. diretta da Claudio Milanini
vol. 1: Romanzi e racconti I, a cura di Mario Barenghi e Bruno Falcetto, prefazione di Jean Starobinski, introduzione di Claudio Milanini, cronologia (1991); contiene: Il sentiero dei nidi di ragno; Ultimo viene il corvo; Il visconte dimezzato; La formica argentina; L'entrata in guerra; Il barone rampante; La speculazione edilizia; La nuvola di smog; Il cavaliere inesistente; Marcovaldo ovvero Le stagioni in città; Prefazioni e note d'autore [1991, 1398+ pages]
vol. 2: Romanzi e racconti II, a cura di Mario Barenghi e Bruno Falcetto, introduzione di Claudio Milanini (1992); contiene: La giornata d'uno scrutatore; Le Cosmicomiche; Ti con zero; Le città invisibili; Il castello dei destini incrociati; Se una notte d'inverno un viaggiatore; Palomar; da I racconti (sezione Gli idilli difficili); da Gli amori difficili; da La memoria del mondo e altre cosmicomiche; da Cosmicomiche vecchie e nuove; Prefazioni e note d'autore [1992, 1488+ pages]
vol. 3: Racconti sparsi e altri scritti d'invenzione, a cura di Mario Barenghi e Bruno Falcetto, introduzione di Claudio Milanini, bibliografia (1994); contiene: Ricordi-racconti per Passaggi obbligati; Altri ricordi, altre confessioni; Capitoli per Dialoghi storici; Racconti e apologhi sparsi; Poesie e invenzioni oulipiennes; Storie per bambini; Guardando disegni e quadri; Prose di teatro, trattamenti e sceneggiature; Testi per musica; Raccontini giovanili; Racconti esclusi da I racconti; Prove di romanzo; Abbozzi, rifacimenti, traduzioni [1994, 1600+ pages]
Cuentos fantasticos del XIX
Escritos autobiograficos
Letizia Modena -- Italo Calvino's Architecture of Lightness
Beno Weiss -- Understanding Italo Calvino
Harold Bloom -- Italo Calvino - Bloom's Major Short Story Writers
Dani Cavallaro -- The Mind of Italo Calvino - A Critical Exploration of His Thought and Writings
Constance Markey -- Italo Calvino - A Journey toward Postmodernism
L'entrata in guerra Into the War 1954 2011 Martin McLaughlin
La strada di San Giovanni The Road to San Giovanni 1990 1993 Tim Parks
Eremita a Parigi. Pagine autobiografiche Hermit in Paris 1994 2003 Martin McLaughlin
Album Calvino– 1995 – –
Libretti Title Original performance
La panchina. Opera in un atto The Bench: One-Act Opera 1956
Libretto for the opera by Sergio Liberovici.La vera storia 1982
Libretto for the opera by Luciano Berio.Un re in ascolto A King Listens 1984
Libretto for the opera by Luciano Berio, based on Calvino's 1977 short story "A King Listens".[46]
Translations Original Title Translated title Original Author Original publication Translated publication
Les fleurs bleues I fiori blu Raymond Queneau 1965 1967
Le chant du Styrène La canzone del polistirene Raymond Queneau 1958 1985
Selected filmography
Boccaccio '70, 1962 (co-wrote screenplay of Renzo e Luciano segment directed by Mario Monicelli)
L'Amore difficile, 1963 (wrote L'avventura di un soldato segment directed by Nino Manfredi)
Tiko and the Shark, 1964 (co-wrote screenplay directed by Folco Quilici)
Film and television adaptations
The Nonexistent Knight by Pino Zac, 1969 (Italian animated film based on the novel)
Amores dificiles by Ana Luisa Ligouri, 1983 (13' Mexican short)
L'Aventure d'une baigneuse by Philippe Donzelot, 1991 (14' French short based on The Adventure of a Bather in Difficult Loves )
Fantaghirò by Lamberto Bava, 1991 (TV adaptation based on Fanta-Ghirò the Beautiful in Italian Folktales)
Solidarity by Nancy Kiang, 2006 (10' American short)
Conscience by Yu-Hsiu Camille Chen, 2009 (10' Australian short)
Films on Calvino
Damian Pettigrew, Inside Italo (Lo specchio di Calvino, 2012). Co-produced by Arte France, Italy's Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali, and the National Film Board of Canada, the recently completed feature-length docufiction stars Neri Marcorè as the Italian writer and critic Pietro Citati. The film also uses in-depth conversations videotaped at Calvino's Rome penthouse a year before his death in 1985 and rare footage from RAI, INA (Institut national de l'audiovisuel), and BBC television archives.[47] The 52-minute French version titled, Dans la peau d'Italo Calvino ("Being Italo Calvino"), was broadcast by Arte France on 19 December 2012.[48]
Opere ne "I Meridiani" Mondadori
Romanzi e racconti, ed. diretta da Claudio Milanini
vol. 1: Romanzi e racconti I, a cura di Mario Barenghi e Bruno Falcetto, prefazione di Jean Starobinski, introduzione di Claudio Milanini, cronologia (1991); contiene: Il sentiero dei nidi di ragno; Ultimo viene il corvo; Il visconte dimezzato; La formica argentina; L'entrata in guerra; Il barone rampante; La speculazione edilizia; La nuvola di smog; Il cavaliere inesistente; Marcovaldo ovvero Le stagioni in città; Prefazioni e note d'autore [1991, 1398+ pages]
vol. 2: Romanzi e racconti II, a cura di Mario Barenghi e Bruno Falcetto, introduzione di Claudio Milanini (1992); contiene: La giornata d'uno scrutatore; Le Cosmicomiche; Ti con zero; Le città invisibili; Il castello dei destini incrociati; Se una notte d'inverno un viaggiatore; Palomar; da I racconti (sezione Gli idilli difficili); da Gli amori difficili; da La memoria del mondo e altre cosmicomiche; da Cosmicomiche vecchie e nuove; Prefazioni e note d'autore [1992, 1488+ pages]
vol. 3: Racconti sparsi e altri scritti d'invenzione, a cura di Mario Barenghi e Bruno Falcetto, introduzione di Claudio Milanini, bibliografia (1994); contiene: Ricordi-racconti per Passaggi obbligati; Altri ricordi, altre confessioni; Capitoli per Dialoghi storici; Racconti e apologhi sparsi; Poesie e invenzioni oulipiennes; Storie per bambini; Guardando disegni e quadri; Prose di teatro, trattamenti e sceneggiature; Testi per musica; Raccontini giovanili; Racconti esclusi da I racconti; Prove di romanzo; Abbozzi, rifacimenti, traduzioni [1994, 1600+ pages]
Cuentos fantasticos del XIX
Escritos autobiograficos
Letizia Modena -- Italo Calvino's Architecture of Lightness
Beno Weiss -- Understanding Italo Calvino
Harold Bloom -- Italo Calvino - Bloom's Major Short Story Writers
Dani Cavallaro -- The Mind of Italo Calvino - A Critical Exploration of His Thought and Writings
Constance Markey -- Italo Calvino - A Journey toward Postmodernism