Böylelikle 1800-1900 yılları arasında yayınlanmaya başlayan satranç periyodiklerinin büyük bir bölümünü elk. kit.a eklemiş oldum. Ara bilanço: 180 klasör, 42 300 dosya, 77 000 000 000 bytes. Sonraki günlerde 1900-1950 yılları ve güncellemeler ile sürdüreceğim.
30 Nisan 2013 Salı
Satranç Yayınları: Schweizerische Schachzeitung
2358. Schweizerische Schachzeitung (1857–1860) Vol . 1, no.1 (1857)–Vol.2, no.21 (1858); New Series Vol.3, no.1 (Sept 5, 1859)–Vol.3 (1860). Frequency and Publisher unknown. Editor Friedrich Capräz. Chur. Switzerland. Magazine. General. German. Note No longer published. Sources CPL; KB. Availability Koninklijke Bibliotheek—complete; Cleveland Public Library—complete.
2359. Schweizerische Schachzeitung = Journal Suisse des Amateurs d’Échecs : Organs des Schweizerischen Schachvereins (1900–1993) Vol.1, no.1 (Oct 1900)–Vol.93, no.12 (Dec 1993). Monthly. Editors Ulrich Bachmann (1900–03), Moritz Henneberger (1902–56), Erwin Voellmy (1908–46), Fritz Gygli (1930–52), Paul Müller (1953–61), Konrad Kummer (1957–63), Wladimir Naef (1957–69), Werner Eggenberger (1962 –69), Hans Henneberger (1968), Walter Kühnle-Woods (1970–72), Alex Crisovan (1974–78), Paul Müller-Breil (1979–87), Robert Spörri (1987). Zürich, etc. Switzerland. Illus., 21 cm., later 23 cm. Magazine. General. Articles in German, French or Italian. Note Continued by Schachwoche (Die) and Schweizerische Schachzeitung. French parallel title from Vol.2 (1901/02) Revue Suisse des Échecs. Italian parallel title from Vol.20 (1920) Rivista Scacchistica Svizzera. Sources Meissenburg 106; KB; CPL; SLV. Availability Koninklijke Bibliotheek—complete; Cleveland Public Library— complete; State Library of Victoria —No.1 (Oct 1900)–(Sept 1988).
2360. Schweizerische Schachzeitung : Offizielles Organ des Schweizerischen Schachbundes = Revue Suisse des Échecs = Rivista Scacchistica Svizzera (1995–) Vol.95, no.7 ( July 1995)–. 11 issues per year. Editor Markus Angst (1995–?). Sarmenstorf. Switzerland. 24 cm. Magazine. General. German, French or Italian. Note Continues Schachwoche (Die) and Schweizerische Schachzeitung: Organs des Schweizerischen Schachvereins, with the same numbering. Source KB. Availability Koninklijke Bibliotheek—Vol.95, no.7 ( July 1995)-.
2359. Schweizerische Schachzeitung = Journal Suisse des Amateurs d’Échecs : Organs des Schweizerischen Schachvereins (1900–1993) Vol.1, no.1 (Oct 1900)–Vol.93, no.12 (Dec 1993). Monthly. Editors Ulrich Bachmann (1900–03), Moritz Henneberger (1902–56), Erwin Voellmy (1908–46), Fritz Gygli (1930–52), Paul Müller (1953–61), Konrad Kummer (1957–63), Wladimir Naef (1957–69), Werner Eggenberger (1962 –69), Hans Henneberger (1968), Walter Kühnle-Woods (1970–72), Alex Crisovan (1974–78), Paul Müller-Breil (1979–87), Robert Spörri (1987). Zürich, etc. Switzerland. Illus., 21 cm., later 23 cm. Magazine. General. Articles in German, French or Italian. Note Continued by Schachwoche (Die) and Schweizerische Schachzeitung. French parallel title from Vol.2 (1901/02) Revue Suisse des Échecs. Italian parallel title from Vol.20 (1920) Rivista Scacchistica Svizzera. Sources Meissenburg 106; KB; CPL; SLV. Availability Koninklijke Bibliotheek—complete; Cleveland Public Library— complete; State Library of Victoria —No.1 (Oct 1900)–(Sept 1988).
2360. Schweizerische Schachzeitung : Offizielles Organ des Schweizerischen Schachbundes = Revue Suisse des Échecs = Rivista Scacchistica Svizzera (1995–) Vol.95, no.7 ( July 1995)–. 11 issues per year. Editor Markus Angst (1995–?). Sarmenstorf. Switzerland. 24 cm. Magazine. General. German, French or Italian. Note Continues Schachwoche (Die) and Schweizerische Schachzeitung: Organs des Schweizerischen Schachvereins, with the same numbering. Source KB. Availability Koninklijke Bibliotheek—Vol.95, no.7 ( July 1995)-.
[pdf, 2000-2012 sayıları, complete]
Satranç Yayınları: Sachové Listy
2073. Sachové Listy (1900–1902) Vol.1, no.1 (Jan 23, 1900)–Vol.3, no.10 (Sept/Oct 1902). Monthly. Editors Josef Pospi§l, P.K. Traxler, J.V. Stefanydes. Publisher Knihtiskárna Karla Pittera. Praha. Czech Republic. Illus., 24 cm. Magazine. General. Czech. Note Replaces Teské Listy Sachové. No longer published. Sources CPL; KB. Availability Koninklijke Bibliotheek —complete; Cleveland Public Library—complete.
[ilk cilt mevcut, son iki cilt noksan]
Satranç Yayınları: American Chess Magazine
121. American Chess Magazine (1897–1899) Vol . 1, no.1 ( June 1897)–Vol.3, no.6 (Dec 1899). Monthly. Editors Charles Devidé ( June–Sept 1897), L.D. Broughton Jr. (Oct 1897–). Publisher William Borsodi, later The American Chess Co. New York. USA. Illus., plates, ports., 26 cm. Magazine. General. English. Note No longer published. Sources Betts 7-45; KB; CPL. Availability Koninklijke Bibliotheek—complete; Cleveland Public Library—complete.
[pdf, ilk iki cilt mevcut, üçüncüsü henüz ortalarda görünmüyor.]
Satranç Yayınları: Australian Chess-Annual
Bignold, Hugh B The Australian Chess Annual. First Year, 1896. George Robertson & Co, Sydney. Printed by Edward Lee & Co., Excelsior Printing Works, Sydney.
(Betts 8-12) # Issued October, 1896 (Sydney Mail 31 October, 1896). No further volumes issued. Contains chapters on Australian (editor) and State Chess:- N.S.W. & Tasmania (editor), Victoria (T.Harlin), South Australia (H.Charlick), Queensland (H.W. Apperley), Western Australia (W. Siebenhaar), New Zealand (J.C. Andersen), a 23 page chapter by William Crane Jr. on the games of the 1895 match between Wallace & Esling, the Charlick Counter Gambit by “Hobart”, the Problem Art by J.J. Glynn and a final 6 pages by the editor on forming a chess club, handicap tourneys & odds, the Sectional Principle in Tourneys, Forsyth notation and odds giving and rules for solution and problem Tourneys, solutions and L’envoi. 168 pages.# (43)
2895. Australian Chess-Annual. First year, 1896 Annual. Editor Hugh B. Bignold. Publisher George Robertson & Co.; printed by Edward Lee & Co., Excelsior Printing Works. Sydney. Australia. 168 p., diagrs., 16.5 cm. Yearbook. English. Note Contains accounts of chess activity in each state, with historical notes by the editor and other contributors; a list of clubs; articles (including “The problem art in Australia,” by J.J. Glynn, with 20 problems); and 16 games with brief notes. Includes New Zealand. No further issues have been traced. Sources Betts 8-12; Van Manen 191; KB; CPL; SLV. Availability Koninklijke Bibliotheek—(1896); Cleveland Public Library—(1896); State Library of Victoria—(1896).
(Betts 8-12) # Issued October, 1896 (Sydney Mail 31 October, 1896). No further volumes issued. Contains chapters on Australian (editor) and State Chess:- N.S.W. & Tasmania (editor), Victoria (T.Harlin), South Australia (H.Charlick), Queensland (H.W. Apperley), Western Australia (W. Siebenhaar), New Zealand (J.C. Andersen), a 23 page chapter by William Crane Jr. on the games of the 1895 match between Wallace & Esling, the Charlick Counter Gambit by “Hobart”, the Problem Art by J.J. Glynn and a final 6 pages by the editor on forming a chess club, handicap tourneys & odds, the Sectional Principle in Tourneys, Forsyth notation and odds giving and rules for solution and problem Tourneys, solutions and L’envoi. 168 pages.# (43)
2895. Australian Chess-Annual. First year, 1896 Annual. Editor Hugh B. Bignold. Publisher George Robertson & Co.; printed by Edward Lee & Co., Excelsior Printing Works. Sydney. Australia. 168 p., diagrs., 16.5 cm. Yearbook. English. Note Contains accounts of chess activity in each state, with historical notes by the editor and other contributors; a list of clubs; articles (including “The problem art in Australia,” by J.J. Glynn, with 20 problems); and 16 games with brief notes. Includes New Zealand. No further issues have been traced. Sources Betts 8-12; Van Manen 191; KB; CPL; SLV. Availability Koninklijke Bibliotheek—(1896); Cleveland Public Library—(1896); State Library of Victoria—(1896).
Satranç Yayınları: Tidskrift för Schack
2639. Tidskrift för Schack [Helsingfors Schack-klubb] (1890–1891) Vol.1, no.1 (Mar 1890)–no.10 (Dec 1890); extra number ( Jan 1891). Monthly. Editor Johannes Öhquist. Publisher Helsingfors Central-Tryckeri. Helsingfors. Sweden. Magazine. General. Swedish. Note No longer published. Sources Sakharov 254; KB; CPL; SHL. Availability Koninklijke Bibliotheek—Vol.1 (1890); Cleveland Public Library—complete; Schleswig-Holsteinischen Landesbibliothek, Kiel (GER)—complete.
[pdf, 1998-2008 sayıları, complete]
2640. Tidskrift för Schack [Sveriges Schackförbund] (1902–?) Vol.8, no.1 (Jan 1902)–?. Monthly (1902–24), quarterly (1925–28), monthly (1929–). Editors Gustaf and Ludvig Collijn (1908–22), Förbundsstyrelsen (1923–29), Eric Carlén (1930–31), Gideon Ståhlberg (1932–34), Eric Lundin and Gideon Ståhlberg (no.9/12, 1934), Eric Lundin (1934–57), Eric Uhlin (1962–73), Bertil Gedda (1965–74), Lars Göran Ribeck (1973–85), Gösta Svenn (1986), Göran Abrahamsson (1987–Sept 1988), Bo Plato (Nov 1988–?). Stockholm, Göteborg, etc. Sweden. Illus.; 21–25 cm. Magazine. General. Swedish. Note Continues Tidsskrift för Skak, with the same numbering. From Vol.81 (1975) titled Tfs: Tidskrift för Schack. Sources KB; CPL; SLV. Availability Koninklijke Bibliotheek—complete; Cleveland Public Library—complete?; State Library of Victoria—Vol.8, no.1 (Jan 1902)–Vol.94, no.1 ( Jan/Feb 1988).
2641. Tidsskrift for Skak (1894–1901) Organization and Publisher Kjøbenhavns Skakforening, later Nordisk Skakforbund. Vol.1, no.0 (Nov 17, 1894) Proof-number; Vol.1, no.1 ( Jan 5, 1895)–Vol.7 (1901). Frequency unknown. København. Denmark. 22 cm. Magazine. General. Danish. Note Continued by Tidskrift för Schack. Sources KB; CPL. Availability Koninklijke Bibliotheek—complete; Cleveland Public Library—complete.
2641. Tidsskrift for Skak (1894–1901) Organization and Publisher Kjøbenhavns Skakforening, later Nordisk Skakforbund. Vol.1, no.0 (Nov 17, 1894) Proof-number; Vol.1, no.1 ( Jan 5, 1895)–Vol.7 (1901). Frequency unknown. København. Denmark. 22 cm. Magazine. General. Danish. Note Continued by Tidskrift för Schack. Sources KB; CPL. Availability Koninklijke Bibliotheek—complete; Cleveland Public Library—complete.
Satranç Yayınları: Revista Internacional de Ajedrez
1983. Revista Internacional de Ajedrez [Madrid] (1895–1896) Vol.1, no.1 (Dec 1895)–no.6 (May 1896). Monthly. Publisher Ricardo Fé. Madrid. Spain. Magazine. General. Spanish. Note No longer published. Source CPL. Availability Cleveland Public Library—complete. [altı sayı, pdf, complete]
Satranç Yayınları: Tijdschrift van den Nederlandschen Schaakbond
2643. Tijdschrift van den Nederlandschen Schaakbond (1893–1960) Vol.1, no.1 (Jan 1893)–Vol.67, no.9 (Aug 1960). Monthly. Editors J.F. Heemskerk (1893, 1899), H.J. den Hertog (1893–1901), A.J.A. Prange (1893–94), N.W. van Lennep (1894–95), J.D. Tresling (1895), J.J.R. Moquette (1896), J.W. te Kolsté (1902–07), H. Strick van Lindschoten (1908–27),W.A.T. Schelfhout (1909–16), J.J. Speet (1917–19), P. van’t Veer (1920), A.G. Olland (1921–22), A. Reub (1923), G.W.J. Zitterstein (1928–55), Machgielis Euwe (1919–52), N.E. Fockens (1933–42), H.J.J. Slavekoorde (1955, 1960). ’s-Gravenhage, etc. Netherlands. Illus., 25 cm. Magazine. General. Dutch. Note Replaces Jaarboekje van den Nederlandschen Schaakbond. From Vol.43 (1935) titled Tijdschrift van den Koninklijken Nederlandschen Schaakbond. From Aug 1943 to Aug 1944 titled Mededelingenblad van den Nederlandschen Schaakbond. Vol.52 omitted in numbering. Continued by Schakend Nederland. Sources KB; CPL. Availability Koninklijke Bibliotheek—complete; Cleveland Public Library—Vol.1 (1893)–Vol.51 (1943); Vol.53 (1945)–Vol.67 (1960).
[pdf, 1900 (8)-1906(14) ciltleri mevcut]
2345. Schakend Nederland : Officieel Orgaan van de Koninklijke Nederlandse Schaakbond (1960–1996) Vol.68, no.1 (Sept 1960)–Vol.103, no.6 ( July/Aug 1996). Monthly, later 10 issues per year. Editors H.J.J. Slavekorde (1960/61–1972/73), B.J. Withuis (1973–75), Menno Ploeger (1976–1983), Minze bij de Weg (1984–1996). Amsterdam, later Haarlem. Netherlands. Illus., 30 cm., later 24 cm. Magazine. General. Dutch. Note Continues Tijdschrift van den Nederlandschen Schaakbond, with the same numbering. Continued by Schaak Magazine. Sources KB; CPL; SLV. Availability Koninklijke Bibliotheek—complete; Cleveland Public Library—complete; State Library of Victoria—Vol.68, no.1 (Sept 1960)–Vol.83, no.1 (Sept 1975); Vol.83, no.5 (Jan 1976)–Vol.83, no.9 (May 1976); Vol.83, no.11/12 (July/Aug 1976)–Vol.84, no.4 (Apr 1977); Vol.84, no.7 ( July/Aug 1977)–Vol.84, no.9 (Oct 1977); Vol.85, no.1 (Jan 1978)–Vol.85, no.3 (Mar 1978); Vol.85, no.5 (May 1978)–Vol.90, no.11 (Nov 1983); Vol.91, no.1 (Jan 1984)–Vol.100, no.11 (Nov 1993); Vol.101, no.1 (Jan 1994)–Vol.103, no.6 ( July/Aug 1996).
2163. Schaak Magazine : Officieel Orgaan van de KNSB [Koninklijke Nederlandse Schaakbond] (1996–) Vol.103, no.7 (Sept 1996)–. 10 issues per year; from 2000 8 issues per year, from 2001 7 issues per year, from 2002 6 issues per year. Haarlem, later Amsterdam. Netherlands. Illus., 29 cm. Magazine. General. Dutch. Note Continues Schakend Nederland, with the same numbering. From Vol .114, no.1 (Feb 2007) absorbed Voorloper. Also titled Schaakmagazine. Sources KB; CPL; SLV. Availability Koninklijke Bibliotheek—complete; Cleveland Public Library—complete, call number missing; State Library of Victoria—Vol.103, no.7 (Sept 1996)–Vol.104, no.1 (Jan 1997); Vol.104, no.4 (Apr 1997)–Vol.107, no.8 (Nov 2000);Vol.108, no.1 (Feb 2001)-.
2163. Schaak Magazine : Officieel Orgaan van de KNSB [Koninklijke Nederlandse Schaakbond] (1996–) Vol.103, no.7 (Sept 1996)–. 10 issues per year; from 2000 8 issues per year, from 2001 7 issues per year, from 2002 6 issues per year. Haarlem, later Amsterdam. Netherlands. Illus., 29 cm. Magazine. General. Dutch. Note Continues Schakend Nederland, with the same numbering. From Vol .114, no.1 (Feb 2007) absorbed Voorloper. Also titled Schaakmagazine. Sources KB; CPL; SLV. Availability Koninklijke Bibliotheek—complete; Cleveland Public Library—complete, call number missing; State Library of Victoria—Vol.103, no.7 (Sept 1996)–Vol.104, no.1 (Jan 1997); Vol.104, no.4 (Apr 1997)–Vol.107, no.8 (Nov 2000);Vol.108, no.1 (Feb 2001)-.
Satranç Yayınları: The British American Magazine
[pdf, The British American Magazine 1863 (1) 1864 (2)]
Satranç Yayınları: American Chess Monthly
123. American Chess Monthly (1892–1893) Vol no.1 (Mar 1892)–Vol.1, no.11/12 (Sept/Oct 1893). Monthly. Editor George H. Walcott. Publisher Pre of George H. Walcott Jr. Boston, Mass. USA. Illus diagrs., ports., 22 cm. Magazine. General. English Note Actually runs Vol.1, no.1–10 (Mar–Dec, monthly), followed by an unnumbered double issue (i.e. no.11/12). 322 pages in complete sequence. No longer published. Sources Betts 7-41; KB; CPL. Availability Koninklijke Bibliotheek — complete; Cleveland Public Library —complete.
[Google kitaplarda mevcut. Bağlantı: Google Books: http://books.google.com/books?id=F9tYAAAAYAAJ pdf, 19 mb, 365 sayfa. Türkiye'den indirmek mümkün değil. Ancak bir proxy sunucu kullanılarak indirilebilir. Henüz elk. kit.da namevcut]
Satranç Yayınları: Baltische Schachblätter
197. Baltische Schachblätter (1889–1910) Vol.1 (1889)–Vol.12 (1910). Annual. Editors Friedrich Amelung (Vol.1-8), Carl Behting and Paul Kerkovius (Vol.9-12). Publisher J. Springer Verlag (Vol.18), later Rigaer Tageblatt (Vol.9-12). Berlin (Vol.18), later Riga (Vol.9-12). Germany (Vol.1-8), later Latvia (Vol.9-12). Illus., 22 cm. Magazine in yearbook format. General. German. Note No longer published. Sources Sakharov 5; CPL; KB. Availability Koninklijke Bibliotheek—complete; Cleveland Public Library—complete. [pdf, bir cilt mevcut, 11 cilt noksan]
Satranç Yayınları: Southern Counties Chess Journal (The)
2518. Southern Counties Chess Journal (The) (1889–1896) Vol.1, no.1 (Nov 1889)–Vol.7, no.4 (Jan 1896). Monthly. Publisher Sussex Chess Association, later Butler & Monk, more later Proprietor. Brighton. England. 25 cm. Bulletin. General. English. Note Vol. 1, no.1 (Nov 1889) has title Sussex Chess Association Official Monthly Report & Program. Vol.1, no.2 (1889)–Vol.4, no.48 (Dec 1892) has title Sussex Chess Journal (The). Also titled Sussex Chess Journal and Record of Chess Events in the Southern Counties [Vol.4, no.47 (Nov 1892)]. No longer published. Sources Betts 739;KB; CPL. Availability Koninklijke Bibliotheek—Vol.2, no.23 (Nov 1890)–Vol.3, no.46 (Oct 1892); Vol.7, no.1 (Oct 1895)–Vol.7, no.4 ( Jan 1896); Cleveland Public Library—complete.
1882Nov_1883May Sussex Chess Magazine Brighton 13 fortnightly issues
1889Nov_1892Dec Sussex Chess Journal Brighton 4 vols nos 1-48
[İki sayıdan mürekkep bir cilt mevcut: The Southern Counties Chess Journal 1893 v4 n52_53] Diğerleri henüz noksan
Satranç Yayınları: Budapesti Sakk-Szemle
337. Budapesti Sakk-Szemle (1889–1894) Vol.1, no.1 (Sept 15, 1889)–Vol.6, no.12 (Dec 1894). Monthly. Editor Gyula Makovetz. Publisher Budapesti Sakkozó-Társaság. Budapest. Hungary. Illus., 22 cm. Magazine. General. Hungarian. Note No longer published. Availability Koninklijke Bibliotheek—complete; Cleveland Public Library—Vol.1 (1889)– Vol.6 (1894)
[pdf, 44 sayı/dosya, complete] Addendum: [Lacks Vol.6, no.1-9] 6. cilt henüz namevcut
Satranç Yayınları: Columbia Chess Chronicle
718. Columbia Chess Chronicle [Columbia Chess Club] (1887–1890) Vol.1 (July 2, 1887)–Vol.5, no.14 (Feb 1, 1890). Weekly, later fortnightly. New York. USA. Illus. Bulletin. General. English. Note Vol.1 (July 2–23, 1887) has title Columbia Chess Club Chronicle. Runs as follows Vol.1, no.1–no.26/7 (July 2–Dec 24, 1887) weekly; Vol.2, no.1–no.26 (Jan 15–June 30, 1888) weekly; Vol.3, no.1–no.23/26 (July 14–Dec 29, 1888) weekly, some fortnightly; Vol.4, no.1–no.23/26 (Jan 3–June 27, 1889) weekly, some fortnightly; Vol.5, no.1–no.14 (July 15, 1889– Feb 1, 1890) fortnightly. No longer published. Availability Koninklijke Bibliotheek—complete.
[5 cilt, pdf, complete]
Satranç Yayınları: New Zealand Chess Chronicle (The)
The New Zealand Chess Chronicle. Vol.1 No.1 - 7 (26.7.1887 - 31.1.1888)
Wellington, 1887-8. Monthly, editor Nicholas Benjamin Kent Manley (died 1 August, 1917 53y) (Betts 7-37) # Photocopies of the full set of this magazine are held in MVA and also in the Alexander Turnbull Library in Wellington N.Z. These copies are from the original held in the J.G. White Chess Collection, Cleveland U.S.A.# (19)
1618. New Zealand Chess Chronicle (The) (1887– 1888) Vol.1, no.1 (July 26, 1887)–no.7 (Jan 31, 1888). Monthly. Editor and Publisher Nicholas Benjamin Kent Manley. Wellington. New Zealand. Illus., 34 cm. Magazine. General. English. Note No longer published. Sources Betts 7-37; Van Manen 47; CPL; SLV. Availability Cleveland Public Library—complete; State Library of Victoria—complete.
Wellington, 1887-8. Monthly, editor Nicholas Benjamin Kent Manley (died 1 August, 1917 53y) (Betts 7-37) # Photocopies of the full set of this magazine are held in MVA and also in the Alexander Turnbull Library in Wellington N.Z. These copies are from the original held in the J.G. White Chess Collection, Cleveland U.S.A.# (19)
1618. New Zealand Chess Chronicle (The) (1887– 1888) Vol.1, no.1 (July 26, 1887)–no.7 (Jan 31, 1888). Monthly. Editor and Publisher Nicholas Benjamin Kent Manley. Wellington. New Zealand. Illus., 34 cm. Magazine. General. English. Note No longer published. Sources Betts 7-37; Van Manen 47; CPL; SLV. Availability Cleveland Public Library—complete; State Library of Victoria—complete.
Satranç Yayınları: Deutsches Wochenschach
793. Deutsches Wochenschach : Eine Wöchentliche Schachzeitung (1889–1897) Vol.5, no.1 (Jan 6, 1889)–Vol.13, no.52 (Dec 26, 1897). Weekly. Editors Emil Schallopp (1889–90), Bernhard Hülsen (1889–97), Albert Heyde (1889–97), Curt von Bardeleben (1891), Siegbert Tarrasch (1895–97), Heinrich Ranneforth (1895–97). Publisher O. Löbbecke (1889–91), A. Heyde (1892), W.T. Bruer (1893–97). Braunschweig (1889–91), Berlin (1892–97). Germany. Illus., 24 cm. Magazine. General. German. Note Continues Brüderschaft, with the same numbering. Merged with Berliner Schachzeitung, to form Deutsches Wochenschach und Berliner Schachzeitung. Sources CPL; KB; SLV. Availability Koninklijke Bibliotheek—complete; Cleveland Public Library—complete; State Library of Victoria—complete.
[pdf, 1889 (5), 1890 (6) ciltleri mevcut]
794. Deutsches Wochenschach und Berliner Schachzeitung (1898–1925) Vol.14, no.1 (Jan 2, 1898)–Vol.41, no.51 (Dec 27, 1925). Weekly. Editors Bernhard Hülsen (1898–1924), Albert Heyde (1898–1902), Siegbert Tarrasch (1898–1902), Heinrich Ranneforth (1898–1925), Max Karstedt (1903–25), Ernst Haselkus (1903–10), Georg Ernst (1911–16), Friedrich Palitzsch (1917–19), Bruno Sommer (1925). Publisher W.T. Br u e r (1898–99), A. Stein (1900–25). Berlin (1898–99), Potsdam (1900–16), Berlin-Halensee (1917–25). Germany. Illus., 24 cm. Magazine. General. German. Note Born from the union of Berliner Schachzeitung, and Deutsches Wochenschach. Vol.41, no.39-51 (1925) includes Funkschach und Schwalbe (Vol.1, no.5-17). Absorbed by Funkschach und Schwalbe. Sources CPL; KB; SLV. Availability Koninklijke Bibliotheek—complete; Cleveland Public Library—complete; State Library of Victoria—Vol.14, no.1 ( Jan 2, 1898)–Vol.41, no.38 (Sept 27, 1925).
[pdf, 1902 (18) cildi mevcut]
[pdf, 1902 (18) cildi mevcut]
333. Brüderschaft (Die) : Schachliches Wochenblatt (1885–1888) Vol.1, no.1 ( June 15, 1885)–Vol.4, no.52 (Dec 29, 1888). Weekly. Editors Albert Heyde (1886–88), Emil Schallopp (1887–88), Bernhard Hülsen (1888). Publisher S. Gustav Claus. Braunschweig. Germany. Illus., 22–24 cm. Magazine. General. German. Note Later with subtitle “Eine Wöchentliche Schachzeitung.” Continued by Deutsches Wochenschach. Sources CPL; KB; SLV. Availability Koninklijke Bibliotheek—complete; Cleveland Public Library—complete; State Library of Victoria—complete.
993. Funkschach (1925) Vol.1, no.1 ( June 1925)–no.3 (Aug 1925). Monthly. Publisher Verlag der Funkwerbung Norag. Hamburg. Germany. Illus, 22 cm. Magazine. Problems. German. Note Subtitle varies. Continued by Funkschach und Schwalbe. Sources CPL; KB; SLV. Availability Koninklijke Bibliotheek—complete; Cleveland Public Library—complete; State Library of Victoria—complete.
Funkschach-Schwalbe : Deutsches Wochenschach
see Funkschach und Schwalbe : Berichte über Problemschach: Deutsches Wochenschach und Berliner Schachzeitung: Organ des Nord-deutschen Funkschachbundes und Seiner Orts-gruppen Hamburg, Bremen und Hannover: Organ der “Schwalbe, Vereinigung von Problemfreunden”
994. Funkschach und Schwalbe : Berichte über Problemschach: Deutsches Wochenschach und Berliner Schachzeitung: Organ des Nord-deutschen Funkschachbundes und Seiner Orts-gruppen Hamburg, Bremen und Hannover: Organ der “Schwalbe, Vereinigung von Problemfreunden” (1925–1928) Vol.1, no.4 (Sept 1925)–Vol.3, no.13 (Mar 27, 1927) (+ extra edition Apr 1928). Monthly (Sept 1925), later weekly. Publisher Verlag der Funkwerbung Norag. Hamburg. Germany. Illus., 22 cm. Magazine. Problems. German.
Note Continues Funkschach, with the same numbering. Vol.1, no.5 (Oct 4, 1925)–Vol.2, no.17 (Mar 28, 1926) published with discontinuous issues in Deutsches Wochenschach und Berliner Schachzeitung (Vol.41, no.39-51). Vol.2, no.14 (Apr 4, 1926)–Vol.3, no.13 (Mar 27, 1927) titled Funkschach-Schwalbe: Deutsches Wochenschach. Absorbed Deutsches Wochenschach und Berliner Schachzeitung. No longer published. Sources CPL; KB; SLV. Availability Koninklijke Bibliotheek—complete; Cleveland Public Library—complete; State Library of Victoria—complete.
993. Funkschach (1925) Vol.1, no.1 ( June 1925)–no.3 (Aug 1925). Monthly. Publisher Verlag der Funkwerbung Norag. Hamburg. Germany. Illus, 22 cm. Magazine. Problems. German. Note Subtitle varies. Continued by Funkschach und Schwalbe. Sources CPL; KB; SLV. Availability Koninklijke Bibliotheek—complete; Cleveland Public Library—complete; State Library of Victoria—complete.
Funkschach-Schwalbe : Deutsches Wochenschach
see Funkschach und Schwalbe : Berichte über Problemschach: Deutsches Wochenschach und Berliner Schachzeitung: Organ des Nord-deutschen Funkschachbundes und Seiner Orts-gruppen Hamburg, Bremen und Hannover: Organ der “Schwalbe, Vereinigung von Problemfreunden”
994. Funkschach und Schwalbe : Berichte über Problemschach: Deutsches Wochenschach und Berliner Schachzeitung: Organ des Nord-deutschen Funkschachbundes und Seiner Orts-gruppen Hamburg, Bremen und Hannover: Organ der “Schwalbe, Vereinigung von Problemfreunden” (1925–1928) Vol.1, no.4 (Sept 1925)–Vol.3, no.13 (Mar 27, 1927) (+ extra edition Apr 1928). Monthly (Sept 1925), later weekly. Publisher Verlag der Funkwerbung Norag. Hamburg. Germany. Illus., 22 cm. Magazine. Problems. German.
Note Continues Funkschach, with the same numbering. Vol.1, no.5 (Oct 4, 1925)–Vol.2, no.17 (Mar 28, 1926) published with discontinuous issues in Deutsches Wochenschach und Berliner Schachzeitung (Vol.41, no.39-51). Vol.2, no.14 (Apr 4, 1926)–Vol.3, no.13 (Mar 27, 1927) titled Funkschach-Schwalbe: Deutsches Wochenschach. Absorbed Deutsches Wochenschach und Berliner Schachzeitung. No longer published. Sources CPL; KB; SLV. Availability Koninklijke Bibliotheek—complete; Cleveland Public Library—complete; State Library of Victoria—complete.
Satranç Yayınları: International Chess Magazine (The)
1163. International Chess Magazine (The) (1885–1891) Vol.1, no.1 (Jan 1885)–Vol.7, no.12 (1891). Monthly. Editor William Steinitz. Publisher [s.n.]. New York. USA. Diagrs., 26 cm. Magazine. General. English. Note No longer published. Sources Betts 7-32; KB; CPL. Availability Koninklijke Bibliotheek—complete; Cleveland Public Library— complete. [ilk 6 cilt noksan, 7. cilt, pdf]
Satranç Yayınları: Brooklyn Chess Chronicle
331. Brooklyn Chess Chronicle (1882–1887) Vol.1 (Oct 1, 1882)–Vol.5 (Sept 15, 1887). Fortnightly. Editors J.B. Muñoz, E.M. Muñoz. Publisher Brooklyn Eagle Book and Job Department. Brooklyn, NY. USA. Diagrs., 25 cm. Magazine. General. English. Note No longer published. Sources Betts 7-29; KB; CPL. Availability Koninklijke Bibliotheek— complete; Cleveland Public Library—complete. [5 cilt, pdf, complete]
Haberler: Kraliçe öldü, yaşasın Kral!
Ülke, 123 yıl sonra krala kavuştu
Hollanda'da yeni kral tahta geçti
30 Nisan 2013 13:22
Hollanda Kraliçesi Beatrix, 33 yıldır oturduğu tahtı büyük oğlu veliaht Prens Willem Alexander'a bıraktı. Başkent
Amsterdam'da düzenlenen törende krallık tacını takan Willem Alexander,
123 yıl aradan sonra ülkede tahta geçen ilk erkek oldu. Kraliçe Beatrix, başkent Amsterdam'daki Kraliyet Sarayı'nda Başbakan
Mark Rutte, Senato ve Meclis başkanları ile kabine üyelerinin hazır
bulunduğu törende, tahttan çekildiğine dair feragatnameyi imzalayarak
görevi oğluna devretti. Beatrix'ten sonra aynı belgeyi
Willem Alexander ve eşi Prenses Maxima imzaladı. Willem Alexander Kral
olurken, eşi Maxima da Kraliçe unvanını aldı. Törenden
sonra Kraliyet Sarayı'nın balkonuna çıkan Beatrix, alanı dolduran
binlerce kişiye "Yeni kralımız" diyerek Kral Willem Alexander ve
Kraliçe Maxima'yı takdim etti. Halkın büyük sevgi
gösterisinde bulunduğu Kral Willem Alexander, annesine teşekkür etti.
Üçlü, halkı selamladıktan sonra saraya geri döndü. Yasalara göre, 46 yaşındaki Prens Willem Alexander, sembolik
devlet başkanlığına denk gelen Krallığın yanı sıra Danıştay Başkanlığı
görevini de üstlenirken, büyük kızı Prenses Amalia tahtın yasal
varisliğini elde etti.-İkinci tören Nieuwe Kerk Kilisesi'nde- Törenin ardından Kraliyet Sarayı'nın yanında bulunan Nieuwe
Kerk Kilisesi'ne geçecek olan Kral Willem Alexander, burada Senato ve
Meclis başkanlarıyla hükümet üyelerinin hazır olacağı oturumda yemin
edecek. Senato Başkanı Fred de Graaf'ın yöneteceği özel
oturumda, milletvekilleri ve senatörler de Kral ve Anayasa'ya
sadakatlerini bildiren yemini edecek. Söz konusu yemin, bu özel oturuma
katılan siyasilerle sınırlı olacak. Bu yüzden daha önce yemin etmeme
kararı alan, aralarında Sosyalist Partili (SP) Sadet Karabulut'un da
bulunduğu 14 milletvekili ve senatör bu oturuma katılmayacak. Nieuwe Kerk Kilisesi'ndeki törende, aralarında Türkiye,
İngiltere, Belçika, Danimarka ve İspanya'nın da yer aldığı 30 kadar
ülkeden yaklaşık 200 kişilik üst düzey davetli hazır bulunacak. Törene
Kraliyet ailesinin özel davetlisi olarak Hollanda'ya gelen Başbakan
Yardımcısı Ali Babacan ile eşi Zeynep Babacan ve Türkiye'nin Lahey
Büyükelçisi Uğur Doğan da katılacak. Kilisedeki
törenden sonra davetlilere Kraliyet Sarayı'nda resepsiyon verecek olan
Kral Wilem Alexander, ardından gemiyle halkı selamlayacak. (AA, zaman)
2013 yılının sürpriz istifalarından biriydi Kraliçeninki. Kraliçe, aylar öncesinden tahttan feragat edeceğini bildirdiydi.

AMSTERDAM (AP) — Willem-Alexander became the first Dutch king in more than a century Tuesday as his mother, Beatrix, abdicated after 33 years as queen. The generational change in the House of Orange-Nassau gave the
Netherlands a moment of celebration, pageantry and brief respite as this
trading nation of nearly 17 million struggles through a lengthy
recession brought on by the European economic crisis. Visibly emotional, the much-loved Beatrix ended her reign in a
nationally televised signing ceremony as thousands of orange-clad people
cheered outside. Millions more were expected to watch on television. King Willem-Alexander gripped his
mother's hand and looked briefly into her eyes after they both signed
the abdication document in the Royal Palace on downtown Amsterdam's Dam Square. Beatrix looked close to tears as she then appeared on a balcony overlooking some 20,000 of her subjects. "I am happy and grateful to introduce to you your new king,
Willem-Alexander," she told the cheering crowd, which chanted: "Bea
bedankt" ("Thanks Bea.") Moments later, in a striking symbol of the generational shift, she
left the balcony and King Willem-Alexander, his wife and three daughters
— the children in matching yellow dresses and headbands — waved to the
crowd. "Dear mother, today you relinquished the throne. 33 years moving and
inspiring years. We are intensely, intensely grateful to you," the new
king said. The former queen becomes Princess Beatrix and her son becomes the first Dutch king since Willem III died in 1890. The 46-year-old king's popular Argentine-born wife became Queen
Maxima and their eldest of three daughters, Catharina-Amalia, who
attended the ceremony wearing a yellow dress, became Princess of Orange
and first in line to the throne. Els Nederstigt, 38, said she got up at 5:30 a.m. to travel to Amsterdam and sat on a camping stool close to the Royal Palace wearing an orange cowboy hat and tiara. "It's a special moment. I was a
very small girl when Beatrix came to the throne so this is the first
change in the monarchy I can really experience," she said. "We were here
when Willem-Alexander and Maxima got married and what you remember is that you were there — you forget how early you had to get up and how tired you were." The square was overwhelmingly orange, but one blue and white
Argentine flag being held up in front of the palace was emblazoned with
the Dutch language text: "Netherlands thanks for loving and having faith
in Maxima." The day is expected to be a huge party culminating in a boat trip by
the new king and queen around the Ij waterway, but security also was
tight with thousands of police — uniformed and plain clothes — and an
untold number of civil servants assisting in the logistics. Police said one man was arrested on Dam Square shortly after the abdication for not following officers' orders. The airspace above Amsterdam was closed Monday for three days. Dutch
police swept Dam square for bombs, with assistance from German agents
with sniffer dogs. Royal guests from 18 countries are attending, including Britain's
Prince Charles and his wife, Camilla, and the Japanese Crown Prince
Naruhito and Crown Princess Masako. Charles was also in attendance when
Beatrix was crowned in 1980. Observers believe Beatrix remained on the throne for so long in part
because she was seen as a stabilizing factor in the country that
struggled to assimilate more and more immigrants, mainly Muslims from
North Africa, and shifted away from its traditional reputation as one of
the world's most tolerant nations. In recent years, speculation about when she might abdicate had grown,
as she endured personal losses that both softened her image and
increased her popularity further as the public sympathized. Her husband Prince Claus died in
2002; and last year her youngest son, Prince Friso, was hit by an
avalanche while skiing in Austria and suffered severe brain damage.
Friso remains in a near comatose state. [AP, yahoo]
Satranç Yayınları: British Chess Magazine (The)
317. British Chess Magazine (The) (1881– ) Vol.1, no.1 (Jan 1881)–. Monthly. Editors John Watkinson (1881–87), Robert Frederick Green (1888–93), Isaac MacIntyre Brown (1894–1919), Richard Clewin Griffith (1920–37; acting, Sept 1940–Nov 1940), Harry Golombek (1938–Aug 1940), Julius du Mont (Dec 1940–Apr 1949), Brian Patrick Reilly (May 1949–Aug 1981), Bernard Cafferty (Sept 1981–91), Murray Chandler (1991–99), John Saunders (1999–). Publishers Wheatley (1881–87), Trubner & Co. (1888–1919), Walbrook & Co. (1920), Whitehead & Miller (1921–37), British Chess Magazine (1938– 41), Pitman (1942 –43), British Chess Magazine (1944–46), Pitman (1947), British Chess Magazine (1948–). Huddersfield (1881–87), London (1888– 1920), Leeds (1921–37), London (1938–64), St. Leonards-on-Sea (1965–80), London (1981), St. Leonards-on-Sea (1986), London (1994–). England Illus., 22 cm. Magazine. General. English. Note Continues the chess section of Huddersfield College Magazine (The). Sources Betts 7-27; Lusis A55; KB; CPL; SLV. Availability Koninklijke Bibliotheek—complete; Cleveland Public Library—complete; State Library of Victoria — Vol.27 (1907)-.
[pdf, djvu, ilk 42 cilt mevcut, son 90 cilt henüz noksan, 1 DVD]
1107. Huddersfield College Magazine (The) (1872–1880) Vol.1, no.1 (Oct 1872)–Vol.8 (Sept 1880). Monthly. Editors W.J.C. Miller (Oct 1872– June 1876), John Watkinson (July 1876–Sept 1880). Publisher J.E. Wheatley & Co. Huddersfield. England. Illus., 21–24 cm. Magazine. General. English. Note Chess section superseded by British Chess Magazine (The). No longer published. Sources Betts 7-15; CPL; SLV. Availability Cleveland Public Library—complete; State Library of Victoria —complete.
[bütün sayılar henüz namevcut]
Satranç Yayınları: Oesterreichische Lesehalle
1721. Oesterreichische Lesehalle : Monatsschrift für Unterhaltung und Belehrung: mit Einer Besonderen Abhteilung für die Pflege Seines Schachspiels (1881–1896) Vol.1, no.1 (Jan 1881)– Vol . 16, no.192 (Dec 1896). Monthly. Editor Hermann Feodor Lehner. Publisher Selbstverlag des Herausgebers. Wien. Austria. 31 cm. Magazine. General. German. Note Vol . 13-16 have title Österreichische Lesehalle. No longer published. Sources KB; CPL. Availability Koninklijke Bibliotheek— complete; Cleveland Public Library—Vol.1, no.1 (Jan 1881)–Vol.13 (1893).
[pdf, ilk 11 cildi mevcut, son beş cildi noksan]
Satranç Yayınları: Chess Monthly (The)
595. Chess Monthly (The) : “Suum Cuique’’(1879–1896) Vol.1, no.1 (Sept 1879)–Vol.17, no.203 ( July/Aug 1896). Monthly. Editors Leopold Hoffer, J.H. Zukertort (until his death in 1888), F. Startin Pilleau. Publisher H. Cox, later “Chess Monthly.” London. England. Illus., diagrs., ports., tables, 25 cm. Magazine. General. English. Note Vo l .17 includes “The Dynamic Chess Notation / by F. Startin Pilleau.— London: The British Chess Club, 1896.” No longer published. Sources Betts 7-25; KB; CPL. Availability Koninklijke Bibliotheek — complete, Cleveland Public Library — complete.
Satranç Yayınları: Échiquier d’Aix (L’)
853. Échiquier d’Aix (L’) : Journal d’Échecs (1878–1888) Vol.1, no.1 (1878)–Vol.11, no.110 (1888). 10 issues per year. Editor Victor Peyras. Publisher A. Makaire. Aix en Provence. France. Illus., cm.19 x 12. Magazine. General. French. Note No longer publish ed. Source CPL. Availability Cleveland Public Library—complete.
[pdf, ilk 7 cildi mevcut, son dört cildi noksan]
Satranç Yayınları: Nuova Rivista degli Scacchi (La)
1710. Nuova Rivista degli Scacchi (La) : Periodico Mensile Compilato da una Società di Dilettanti (1875–1903) Vol.1, no.1 (Sept 1875)–Vol.26, no.4 (1902) [=Mar 1903]. Monthly. Editors Aurelio Abela, Cyril Bexley L. Vansittart (1884), Emilio Orsini (1890). Publisher Meucci, later Botta. Livorno, later Roma. Italy. Magazine. Illus., 23 cmGeneral. Italian. Note No longer published. Sources Sanvito 896; KB; CPL. Availability Koninklijke Bibliotheek—complete; Cleveland Public Library—complete.
[26 cilt, pdf, 1900 yılından birkaç sayı dışında complete, 1 DVD]
Satranç Yayınları: City of London Chess Magazine (The)
689. City of London Chess Magazine (The) (1874–1876) Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 1874)–Vol.3, no.25 (Mar 1876). Monthly. Editors W.N. Potter, J. Wisker for Mar 1876 issue only. Publisher W.W. Morgan (Feb 1874–Jan 1875), Longmans, Green & Co. (1875–6). New Barnet, later London. England. Illus., 22 cm. Magazine. General. English. Note No longer published. Sources Betts 7-20; KB; CPL. Availability Koninklijke Bibliotheek—complete, call number 361 A 15; Cleveland Public Library—complete.
[pdf, 2 cildi mevcut, 1 cildi noksan]
Satranç Yayınları: Maryland Chess Review (The)
1433. Maryland Chess Review (The) : A Monthly Magazine Devoted to the Interests of Chess (1874– 1875) Vol.1, no.1 (Jan 1874)–Vol.2, no.15 (Mar 1875). Monthly. Editor and Publisher J.K. Hanshew. Frederick, MD. USA. Diagrs. MagazineGeneral. English. Note Includes draughts also. No longer published. Availability Koninklijke Bibliotheek—complete, Cleveland Pubic Library— complete.
[1874 (1) cilt mevcut, 1875 (2) henüz noksan]
Satranç Yayınları: Nordisk Skaktidende
1665. Nordisk Skaktidende (1873–1881) Vol.1 (1873)–Vol.9 (1881). Frequency unknown. Editors O. Malmqvist and S.A. Sørensen. Publisher Wilhelm Priors Hof-boghandel. København. Denmark Illus., 23 cm. Magazine. General. Danish. Note No longer published. Sources CPL; KB. Availability Koninklijke Bibliotheek—complete; Cleveland Public Library—complete.
[9 cilt, pdf, complete]
Satranç Yayınları: Chess Journal (The)
821. Dubuque Chess Journal (The) (1870–1876) No.1 (Apr 1870)–no.73 (May 1876). Monthly. Editor and Publisher Orestes Augustus Brownson Jr. Dubuque, IA. USA. 24 cm. Magazine. General. English. Note Continued by Brownson’s Chess Journal. See Chess Journal (The). Sources Betts 714; KB; CPL. Availability Koninklijke Bibliotheek—complete; Cleveland Public Library—complete.
332. Brownson’s Chess Journal (1877–1887) No.74 (Feb 1877)–no.85 (1878); No.86 (1886)– no.106 (1887). Monthly. Editor and Publisher Orestes Augustus Brownson Jr. Dubuque, IA. USA. 24 cm. Magazine. General. English. Note Continues Dubuque Chess Journal (The), with the same numbering. Not published from Apr 1878 to Mar 1886. Replaced by Chess Journal (The). Sources Betts 7-14; KB; CPL. Availability Koninklijke Bibliotheek—complete; Cleveland Public Library—complete.
577. Chess Journal (The) (1870–1892) Vol.1, no.1 (Aug 1, 1870)–Vol.18, no.160 ( June 1892) [No.1-66 also numbered Vol.1-8]. Monthly. Editor and Publisher O.A. Brownson. Dubuque, IA (1870–78); Rockdale, IA (1886–92). USA. 18 cm. Magazine. General. English. Note Title variations: no.1-73 Dubuque Chess Journal (The); no.74-84 and no.99-106 Brownson’s Chess Journal; no.85-98 and no.107-160 Chess Journal (The). Publication suspended from June 1876 to Dec 1877, when it was superseded by American Chess Journal (The), which commenced publication as no.74; resumed publication, simultaneously,
as Brownson’s Chess Journal with the Feb 1877 issue, also numbered 74. Publication also suspended between 1878 and 1886. No.133-160 have caption title Brownson’s Chess Journal. No longer published. Sources Betts 7-14; CPL; SLV. Availability Cleveland Public Library— complete; State Library of Victoria —No.143 ( Jan 1891)–no.154 (Dec 1891).
118. American Chess Journal (The) [Hannibal]
(1876–1877) Vol.10, no.74–no.81 [=Vol.1, no.1–no.8]; New Series Vol.2, no.1 ( June 15, 1876)–no.5 (Dec 1877). Monthly ( June 1876–June 1877), bimonthly ( July-Dec 1877). Editor William S. Hallock. Publisher [s.n.]. Hannibal, MO. USA. Illus., diagr., ports., 23–24 cm. Magazine. General. English. Note Continues Dubuque Chess Journal (The), with the same numbering. Sam Loyd was the problem editor. No more published in this series. Sources Betts 7-22; CPL; SLV. Availability Cleveland Public Library—complete; State Library of Victoria —(June 15, 1876)–(May 15, 1877).
119. American Chess Journal (The) [New York]
(1878–1879) No.1 (Mar 1878)–no.17 ( July 1879). Monthly. Editors Sam Loyd, G.H. Mackenzie, James Mason. Publisher C.C. Moore. New York. USA. Illus., diagrs., ports., 25 cm. Magazine. General. English. Note No longer publish ed. Sources Betts 7-24; CPL; SLV. Availability Cleveland Public Library—complete; State Library of Victoria —complete.
117. American Chess Journal (The) [Chicago]
(1879–1881) Vol.1, no.1 (Oct 1879)–Vol.2, no.3 (Apr 1881). Quarterly. Editor and Publisher E. Barbe. Chicago. USA. Ports., 24 cm. Magazine. General. English. Note No longer published. Sources Betts 7–26; CPL; SLV. Availability Cleveland Public Library—complete; State Library of Victoria —Vol.1, no.3 (Apr 1880)–(Oct 1880).
332. Brownson’s Chess Journal (1877–1887) No.74 (Feb 1877)–no.85 (1878); No.86 (1886)– no.106 (1887). Monthly. Editor and Publisher Orestes Augustus Brownson Jr. Dubuque, IA. USA. 24 cm. Magazine. General. English. Note Continues Dubuque Chess Journal (The), with the same numbering. Not published from Apr 1878 to Mar 1886. Replaced by Chess Journal (The). Sources Betts 7-14; KB; CPL. Availability Koninklijke Bibliotheek—complete; Cleveland Public Library—complete.
577. Chess Journal (The) (1870–1892) Vol.1, no.1 (Aug 1, 1870)–Vol.18, no.160 ( June 1892) [No.1-66 also numbered Vol.1-8]. Monthly. Editor and Publisher O.A. Brownson. Dubuque, IA (1870–78); Rockdale, IA (1886–92). USA. 18 cm. Magazine. General. English. Note Title variations: no.1-73 Dubuque Chess Journal (The); no.74-84 and no.99-106 Brownson’s Chess Journal; no.85-98 and no.107-160 Chess Journal (The). Publication suspended from June 1876 to Dec 1877, when it was superseded by American Chess Journal (The), which commenced publication as no.74; resumed publication, simultaneously,
as Brownson’s Chess Journal with the Feb 1877 issue, also numbered 74. Publication also suspended between 1878 and 1886. No.133-160 have caption title Brownson’s Chess Journal. No longer published. Sources Betts 7-14; CPL; SLV. Availability Cleveland Public Library— complete; State Library of Victoria —No.143 ( Jan 1891)–no.154 (Dec 1891).
118. American Chess Journal (The) [Hannibal]
(1876–1877) Vol.10, no.74–no.81 [=Vol.1, no.1–no.8]; New Series Vol.2, no.1 ( June 15, 1876)–no.5 (Dec 1877). Monthly ( June 1876–June 1877), bimonthly ( July-Dec 1877). Editor William S. Hallock. Publisher [s.n.]. Hannibal, MO. USA. Illus., diagr., ports., 23–24 cm. Magazine. General. English. Note Continues Dubuque Chess Journal (The), with the same numbering. Sam Loyd was the problem editor. No more published in this series. Sources Betts 7-22; CPL; SLV. Availability Cleveland Public Library—complete; State Library of Victoria —(June 15, 1876)–(May 15, 1877).
119. American Chess Journal (The) [New York]
(1878–1879) No.1 (Mar 1878)–no.17 ( July 1879). Monthly. Editors Sam Loyd, G.H. Mackenzie, James Mason. Publisher C.C. Moore. New York. USA. Illus., diagrs., ports., 25 cm. Magazine. General. English. Note No longer publish ed. Sources Betts 7-24; CPL; SLV. Availability Cleveland Public Library—complete; State Library of Victoria —complete.
117. American Chess Journal (The) [Chicago]
(1879–1881) Vol.1, no.1 (Oct 1879)–Vol.2, no.3 (Apr 1881). Quarterly. Editor and Publisher E. Barbe. Chicago. USA. Ports., 24 cm. Magazine. General. English. Note No longer published. Sources Betts 7–26; CPL; SLV. Availability Cleveland Public Library—complete; State Library of Victoria —Vol.1, no.3 (Apr 1880)–(Oct 1880).
[pdf, 1870-1879 yıllarından 4 cilt mevcut, diğer ciltler noksan]
Satranç Yayınları: Westminster Papers (The)
2785. Westminster Papers (The) (1868–1879) Vol. 1 (Apr 1868)–Vol.11 (Apr 1, 1879). Monthly . Editor Telemachus Brownsmith. Publisher W. Kent & Co.; etc. London. England. Illus., diagrs., ports., 27 cm. Magazine. Miscellaneous. English. Note Vol. 1 has title Westminster Chess Club Papers (The): A Monthly Journal of Chess Whist Games of Skill and the Drama. Includes whist, humorous poetry, drama notes, etc. No longer published. Sources Betts 7-13; KB; CPL. Availability Koninklijke Bibliotheek—complete; Cleveland Public Library—complete.
[11 cilt, pdf, complete]
Satranç Yayınları: Stratégie (La)
2556. Stratégie (La) : Journal d’Échecs (1867– 1940) Vol.1, no.1 (Jan 15, 1867)–Vol.74, no.2 (Apr/ June 1940). Monthly. Editors Jean-Louis Preti (1867–81), Numa Preti (1871–Dec 1907), Henri Delaire (1908–40). Publisher Jean-Louis Preti (1867–80), Numa Preti (1881–86), Henri Delaire (1887–1940). Paris. France. Illus., diagrs., 23 cm. Magazine. General. French. Note Subtitle varies. Vol.45-57 with subtitle “Revue Mensuelle d’Échecs.” No longer published. Sources CPL; KB. Availability Koninklijke Bibliotheek—complete; Cleveland Public Library—complete.
[pdf, ilk iki cildi mevcut, 72 cilt henüz noksan]
Satranç Yayınları: Transactions of the British Chess Association (The)
3133. Transactions of the British Chess Association (The) : For the Years (1868–?) (1866/1867)–?. Annual. Publisher Longmans, Green, Reader, and Dyer. London. England. 22 cm. Yearbook. General. English. Note No more details available. Source SLV. Availability State Library of Victoria — (1866/1867); (1868/1869).
[2 cilt, pdf, 1866-1867 & 1868-1869, complete]
Satranç Yayınları: Chess World (The)
656. Chess World (The) : A Magazine Devoted to the Cultivation of the Game of Chess, Containing Games and Problems by the First Masters (1865–1869) Vol.1 no.1 (Mar 1865)–Vol.4, no.12 (Mar 1869). Monthly. Publisher Trübner & Co. London. England. 23 cm. Magazine. General. English. Note Editors’ names not given; preface signed by “The editors.” No longer published. Sources Betts 7-11; KB; CPL. Availability Koninklijke Bibliotheek—complete; Cleveland Public Library—complete.
[3 cilt, pdf, 1866 (1) cildi noksan]
Satranç Yayınları: Sphinx (Le)
2528. Sphinx (Le) : Journal des Échecs (1865– 1867) Vol.1, no.1 (Apr 15, 1865)–Vol.2, no.18 (Dec 15, 1867). Fortnightly, later 10 issues per year. Editor Paul Journoud. Publisher Imp. Vallée. Paris. France. Illus., cm. 22 x 13. Magazine. General. French. Note Replaced by Philidorien (Le). Sources KB; CPL; SLV. Availability Koninklijke Bibliotheek— complete; Cleveland Public Library—Vol.1, no.1 (Apr 15, 1865)–Vol.2 (Apr 1, 1867); State Library of Victoria —complete.
[Sphinx journal des echecs 1865-1866, 1 cilt, pdf] Noksan: 1867 cildi
1828. Philidorien (Le) : Petite Encyclopédie des Échecs (1868) No.1 (Apr 1868)–no.6 (Sept 1868). Monthly. Editor C. Sanson. Publisher P. Lebrige-Duquesne. Paris. France. Magazine. General. French. Note Replaces Sphinx (Le): Journal des Échecs. No longer published. Sources CPL; KB. Availability Koninklijke
Bibliotheek—complete; Cleveland Public Library— complete.
Bibliotheek—complete; Cleveland Public Library— complete.
[Yayınlanan 6 sayısından biri mevcut, diğerleri kolleksiyonda henüz yoklar]
29 Nisan 2013 Pazartesi
Satranç Yayınları: Neue Berliner Schachzeitung
1601. Neue Berliner Schachzeitung (1864–1871) Vol . 1, no.1 (Jan 1864)–Vol.8 (Nov/Dec 1871). Monthly. Editors Adolf Anderssen and G.R. Neumann (Vol.1-4), Adolf Anderssen and Johannes Hermann Zukertort (Vol.5-8). Publisher J. Springer Berlin. Germany. Illus., 23 cm. Magazine. General German. Note No longer published. Sources CPL; KB. Availability Koninklijke Bibliotheek—complete; Cleveland Public Library—complete.
[8 cilt, pdf, complete]
Satranç Yayınları: Jahrbuch des Westdeutschen Schachbundes
3021. Jahrbuch des Westdeutschen Schachbundes (1862–1863) Vol.1 (1862)–Vol.2 (1863). Annual. Editor Max Lange. Publisher Von Veit. Leipzig. Germany. Illus., 20 cm. Yearbook. General. German. Note No more published. Sources KB; CPL; SLV. Availability Koninklijke Bibliotheek—complete; Cleveland Public Library—complete; State Library of Victoria —complete.
[2 cilt, pdf, complete]
Satranç Yayınları: Rivista degli Scacchi (La)
2011. Rivista degli Scacchi (La) (1859) Vol.1, no.1 (Jan 15, 1859)–no.24 (Dec 30, 1859). Fortnightly. Editors Serafino Dubois, Augusto Ferrante. Printer Dalla Tipografia Forense. Roma. Italy. Illus. Magazine. General. Italian. Note No longer published. Sources Sanvito 901; KB; CPL. Availability Koninklijke Bibliotheek—complete; Cleveland Public Library—complete.
Satranç Yayınları: Chess Monthly (The)
594. Chess Monthly (The) : An American Chess Serial (1857–1861) Vol.1 (Jan 1857)–Vol.5, no.5 (May 1861). Monthly. Editors Daniel Willard Fiske (1857–61), Paul Charles Morphy (1858–61). Problem department by E.B. Cook. Publisher P. Miller & Son; Trübner. New York. USA. Illus., 24 cm. Magazine. General. English. Note No longer published. Sources Betts 7-5; KB; CPL; SLV. Availability Koninklijke Bibliotheek—complete; Cleveland Public Library—complete; State Library of Victoria—Vol.1, ( Jan 1857)–Vol.3, (Dec 1859); Vol.4, no.2 (Feb 1860)–Vol.4, no.5 (May 1860); Vol.4, no.8 (Aug 1860); Vol.4, no.10 (Oct 1860)–Vol.4, no.12 (Dec 1860).
[2 cilt, pdf, Noksan: 1857 (1), 1858 (2) ve 1861 (5) ciltleri]
Satranç Yayınları: Wiener Schach-Zeitung
2792. Wiener Schach-Zeitung (1855) Vol.1, no.1 (Jan 1855)–no.9 (Sept 1855). Monthly. Editor Ernest Falkbeer. Publisher A.A. Wenedikt (no.1-6), M. Auer (no.7-9). Wien. Austria. Illus.22 cm. Magazine. General. German. Note No longer published. Availability Koninklijke Bibliotheek—complete; Cleveland Public Library—complete.
[1 cilt, pdf, complete]
2793. Wiener Schach-Zeitung : Organ des Wiener Schach-Club (1898–1949) Vol.1, no.1 (Jan 1898)–Vol.19, no.5/8 (Mar/Apr 1916); New Series Vol.1 (Mar 1923)–Vol.10 (1932); Vol.30 (1933)–Vol.35, no10 (Mar 12, 1938); Vol.36, no.1 (July 1948)–Vol.37, no.7/8 (July-Aug 1949). Monthly (1898–1923), fortnightly (1924–38), monthly (1948–49). Editors Hugo Fähndrich (1898), A. Halprin (1898–99), Georg Marco (1898–1915), Robert Wahle (1924–25), Akim Lewit (1924–26), Albert Becker (1926–33), H. Singer (1926), Josef Halumbirek (1928–31), Christoph Jobst (1933), Jacques Hannak and Roman Mayer (1938), Edwin Hofmann (1949). Publisher Verlag des Wiener Schach-Club. Wien. Austria. Illus., 24 cm. Magazine. General. German. Note Subtitle varies. Vol.1-19 have title Wiener Schachzeitung. From May 1916 to Feb 1923 not published. With supplement “Ein Jahrzehnt Meister-Turniere. ” New series Vol.1 (Mar-Dec 1923) titled Neue Wiener Schach-Zeitung. New series Vol.8-10 also numbered Vol.27-29. Suspended Apr 1938–June 1948. Absorbed Österreichische Schachrundschau. No longer published. Availability Koninklijke Bibliotheek—Vol.1 (1898)–Vol.19 (1916); New series Vol.1 (1923)–Vol.10 (1932); Vol.30 (1933)–Vol.35 (1938); Vol.36, no.1 (July 1948)–Vol.37, no.7/8 (July/Aug 1949); Cleveland Public Library—complete; State Library of Victoria—complete.
[1 cilt, 1855, pdf; 35 cilt (1898-1938), pdf, djvu, complete, 5 CD ya da 1 DVD] Noksan: 1939-1949 ciltleri.
Satranç Yayınları: Chess Player (The)
613. Chess Player (The) (1851–1853) Vol.1, no.1 ( July 19, 1851)–Vol.4 (Dec 1853). Weekly. Editors Joseph Kling & Bernhard Horwitz. Publisher Hastings. London. England. Diagrs., 19 cm. Magazine. General. English. Note Also titled New Chess Player (The). No longer published. Sources Betts 7-3; KB; CPL. Availability Koninklijke Bibliotheek—complete; Cleveland Public Library—complete. [3 cilt, pdf, complete]
Gemiler: Santiago
Gemiler: Santiago
Juan Ponce de Leon'un, ikinci okyanus ötesi seferinde komuta gemisi olan Santiago, 3 direkli, 20 m boyunda, mürettebat olarak 20 kişi barındırabilen, 130 ton yük taşıyabilen, Akdeniz'de yelken açmak üzere tasarlanmış bir karaveldi.
1500 yılında farklı karavel tipleri K: Google books
Mürettebat olarak 40 kişi barındırabilen Santa Maria de la Constelacion ve 15 kişi barındırabilen San Cristobal ile beraber Santiago'nun (üç gemi) toplam personel sayısı 65 [1 Karşılaştır: 200] civarındaydı.
[1] Ponce de León equipped three ships with at least 200 men at his own expense and set out from Puerto Rico on March 4, 1513. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juan_Ponce_de_Le%C3%B3n
[1] Ponce de León equipped three ships with at least 200 men at his own expense and set out from Puerto Rico on March 4, 1513. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juan_Ponce_de_Le%C3%B3n
Haftanın Kitabı 25: Her nefes alışımızda
Signals 2013 - Every breath we take
Improving air quality in Europe: Signals 2013 focuses on Europe’s air. This year’s edition tries to explain the current state of air quality in Europe, where they come from, how air pollutants form, and how they affect our health and the environment. It also gives an overview of the way we build our knowledge on air, and how we tackle air pollution through a wide range of policies and measures.
Improving air quality in Europe: Signals 2013 focuses on Europe’s air. This year’s edition tries to explain the current state of air quality in Europe, where they come from, how air pollutants form, and how they affect our health and the environment. It also gives an overview of the way we build our knowledge on air, and how we tackle air pollution through a wide range of policies and measures.
Published by EEA (European Environment Agency) Published: Apr 19, 2013
Türkçe özet: Avrupa Birliği kuruluşlarından Avrupa Çevre Ajansı, yıllık Signals (yaklaşık türkçesi: İşaretler) raporunu yayınladı. Bu yılki raporun konusu: hava. Raporun adı ise: Her nefes alışımızda. içindekiler: Bilim, politika ve kamuoyunu bağlantılamak; Her nefes alışımızda; Günümüzde Avrupa havası; Kimya meselesi; İklim değişimi ve hava; Hava kirliliğinin sağlığa etkileri; Verandada hava kalitesi; Hava konusunda bilgi birikimi; Avrupada hava mevzuatı.
İndirme bağlantıları: 2013 raporu, 2004-2012 türkçe raporlar
yazışmak üzere, neşeli okumalar dilerim.
29 nisan 2013 pazartesi, Antalya, Türkiye
Harun Taner <harun.taner.antalya@gmail.com>
29 nisan 2013 pazartesi, Antalya, Türkiye
Harun Taner <harun.taner.antalya@gmail.com>
Satranç Yayınları: Régence (La)
1946. Régence (La) : Journal des Échecs, Rédigé par Une Société d’Amateurs (1849–1851) Vol.1, no.1 (Jan 1849)–Vol.3, no.12 (Dec 1851). Monthly. Editor Kieseritsky. Publisher Café de la Régence. Paris. France. Illus., 20 cm. Magazine. General. French. Note No longer published. Sources KB; CPL. Availability Koninklijke Bibliotheek—complete; Cleveland Public Library—complete.
1947. Régence (La) : Revue des Échecs et Autres Jeux (1856–1857) Vol.1, no.1 (Jan 15, 1856)–Vol.2, no.1 (Jan 15, 1857). Frequency unknown. Editor Arnous de Rivière. Publisher Café de la Régence. Paris. France. Diagrs., 28 cm. Magazine. General. French. Note No longer published. Sources KB; CPL. Availability Koninklijke Bibliotheek—complete; Cleveland Public Library—complete.
1699. Nouvelle Régence (La) : Revue Spéciale des Échecs (1860–1864) Vol.1 (1860)–Vol.5, no.4 (Apr1864). Monthly. Editor Paul Journoud. Publisher Café de la Régence. Paris. France. Diagrs., 23 cm. Magazine. General. French. Note Vol . 1 has title Régence (La): Revue Spéciale des Éch ecs. Replaced by Palamède Français (Le). Sources CPL; KB. Availability Koninklijke Bibliotheek—complete; Cleveland Public Library— complete.
1779. Palamède Français (Le) : Revue des Échecs et des Autres Jeux de Combinaison (1864–1865) Vol . 1, no.1 (Sept 1864)–Vol.2, no.15 (Nov 1865). Monthly. Editors Paul Journoud, Ladislav MaczuskiPublisher C. Lahure. Paris. France. 24 cm. Magazine. General. French. Note Replaces Nouvelle Régence (La). No longer published. Sources CPL; KB. Availability Koninklijke Bibliotheek—complete; Cleveland Public Library— complete.
1947. Régence (La) : Revue des Échecs et Autres Jeux (1856–1857) Vol.1, no.1 (Jan 15, 1856)–Vol.2, no.1 (Jan 15, 1857). Frequency unknown. Editor Arnous de Rivière. Publisher Café de la Régence. Paris. France. Diagrs., 28 cm. Magazine. General. French. Note No longer published. Sources KB; CPL. Availability Koninklijke Bibliotheek—complete; Cleveland Public Library—complete.
1699. Nouvelle Régence (La) : Revue Spéciale des Échecs (1860–1864) Vol.1 (1860)–Vol.5, no.4 (Apr1864). Monthly. Editor Paul Journoud. Publisher Café de la Régence. Paris. France. Diagrs., 23 cm. Magazine. General. French. Note Vol . 1 has title Régence (La): Revue Spéciale des Éch ecs. Replaced by Palamède Français (Le). Sources CPL; KB. Availability Koninklijke Bibliotheek—complete; Cleveland Public Library— complete.
1779. Palamède Français (Le) : Revue des Échecs et des Autres Jeux de Combinaison (1864–1865) Vol . 1, no.1 (Sept 1864)–Vol.2, no.15 (Nov 1865). Monthly. Editors Paul Journoud, Ladislav MaczuskiPublisher C. Lahure. Paris. France. 24 cm. Magazine. General. French. Note Replaces Nouvelle Régence (La). No longer published. Sources CPL; KB. Availability Koninklijke Bibliotheek—complete; Cleveland Public Library— complete.
[7 cilt, pdf, 4 cilt (ya da 3 cilt ve 1 sayı) noksan]
Satranç Yayınları: Magdeburger Schachzeitung
1402. Magdeburger Schachzeitung (1849) Organization Schachgesellschaft Sophrosyne. Vol.1 (1849). Frequency unknown. Editor Max Lange. Publisher Emil Baensch. Magdeburg. Germany. Illus., 190 p. Bulletin. General. German. Note No longer
published. Availability Cleveland Public Library—Vol.1 (1849).
Satranç Yayınları: Sissa
2452. Sissa : Maandschrift voor het Schaakspel (1847–1874) Organization Nederlandsche Schaakbond. Vol.1 (1847)–Vol.27 (1874). Monthly. Publisher Stramrood. Wijk bij Duurstede. Netherlands Diagrs., 26 cm. Magazine. General. Dutch. Note Later with subtitle "Nederlandsch Tijdschrift voor het Schaakspel"; later with subtitle "Nederlandsch Maandschrift voor het Schaakspel"; more later with subtitle "Orgaan van den Nederlandschen Schaakbond." With supplement Sissa, de Schaakspeler: Zondagsblad. No longer published. Sources KB; CPL. Availability Koninklijke Bibliotheek—complete; Cleveland Public Library—complete.
[26 cilt, pdf, 26-27. ciltler noksan]
Satranç Yayınları: Schachzeitung
2321. Schachzeitung: In Monatl (1846–1871) Organization Berliner Schachgesellschaft. Vol.1 (1846)– Vol.26, no.12 (Dec 1871). Monthly. Editors Ludwig Bledow ( July/Aug 1846), Wilhelm Hanstein and Otto von Oppen (Sept 1846–1851), Otto von Oppen and N.D. Nathan (1851–52), Otto von Oppen (1852–58), Max Lange (Dec 1858– 1864), E. von Schmidt and Johannes Minckwitz (Jan 1865–1866), Johannes Minckwitz (1867–71). Publisher Veit und Co. Berlin, later Leipzig. Germany. Illus., 21–23 cm. Magazine. General. German. Note Vol.4 (1849)–Vol.26 (1871) with title Schachzeitung der Berliner Schachgesellschaft. Continued by Deutsche Schachzeitung: Organ für das Gesamte Schachleben. Sources KB; CPL; SLV. Availability Koninklijke Bibliotheek—complete; Cleveland Public Library— complete; State Library of Victoria —Vol.2 (1847)–Vol.3 (1848); Vol.6 (1851); Vol.15 (1860)–Vol.16 (1861); V ol.26 (1871).
[Schachzeitung, 24 cilt, pdf, Noksan: 1. ve 26. ciltler]
790. Deutsche Schachzeitung : Organ für das Gesamte Schachleben (1872–1988) Vol.27, no.1 (Jan 1872)–Vol.137, no.12 (Dec 1988). Monthly. Editors Johannes Minckwitz and Adolf Anderssen (1872–76), Constantin Schwede and Adolf Anderssen (12/1876–78), Johannes Minckwitz (01/1879– 12/1886), Curt von Bardeleben and Hermann von Gottschall (01/1887–1891), Hermann von Gottschall (1892–96), Siegbert Tarrasch (1897), Johann Berger and Paul Lipke (1898), Johann Berger and Carl Schlechter (1899–1916), Carl Schlechter (1917–18), Jacques Mieses (1919–21), Friedrich Palitzsch (1922– 23), Friedrich Palitzsch and Ernst Grünfeld (1924), Max Blümich, Friedrich Palitzsch and Ernst Grünfeld (1925), Max Blümich and Friedrich Palitzsch (1926), Max Blümich, Friedrich Palitzsch and Heinrich Ranneforth (1927–31), Max Blümich, Heinrich Ranneforth and Josef Halumbirek (02/1932–1942), Heinrich Ranneforth and Josef Halumbirek (03/ 1942–04/1942), Theodor Gerbec, Heinrich Ranneforth and Josef Halumbirek (05/1942–03/1943), Ludwig Rellstab (04/1943–09/1944), Rudolf Teschner (12/1950–1988). Publisher Veit & Co, later W. De Gruyter & Co. Leipzig, later Berlin. Germany. Illus., ports., 24 cm. Magazine. General. German. Note Continues Schachzeitung: In Monatl, with the same numbering. Subtitle varies. From Vol.104, no.13 (Oct 1955) includes Deutsche Schachrundschau Caïssa. Merged with Schach-Report/ Deutsche Schachblätter, to form Schach-Report/ Deutsche Schachblätter/Deutsche Schachzeitung. Sources Meissenburg 104; KB; CPL; SLV. Availability Koninklijke Bibliotheek—complete; Cleveland Public Library —Vol.27 (1872)–Vol.96 (1941); Vol.98 (1943)–Vol.137 (1988); State Library of Victoria —Vol.27 (1872)–Vol.34 (1879); Vol.36 (1881); Vol.38 (1883)–Vol.98, no.7 (Oct 1943); Vol.99, no.1 (Jan 1944)–Vol.99, no.5 (Sept 1944); Vol.100 (1950/51)–Vol.137 (1988).
[Deutsche Schachzeitung, c37-64, 68-77 complete, diğerleri noksan]
Satranç Yayınları: Beiträge zur Theorie und Praxis des Schachspiels
2905. Beiträge zur Theorie und Praxis des Schachspiels : In Einer Reihe von Abhandlungen, Partien, Räthseln etc. (1846–1848) Vol.1 (1846)– Vol.3 (1848). Editor Herrmann Hirschbach. Publisher Brauns. Leipzig. Germany. Illus., 22 cm. Yearbook?. General. German. Note No more published? Availability Cleveland Public Library—complete.
Satranç Yayınları: American Chess Magazine (The)
122. American Chess Magazine (The) : A Periodical Organ of Communication for American Chess-Players (1846–1847) Vol.1, no.1 (Nov 1846)–Vol.1, no.11-12 (Dec 1846 [i.e. Sept 1847]). Monthly. Editor Charles Henry Stanley. Publishers R. Martin, Wiley & Putnam. New York, London. USA, England. Illus., plates, 22 cm. Magazine. General. English. Note Originally
published Vol.1, no.1 (Nov 1846)–Vol.1, no.3 ( Jan 1847) as Chess
Player’s Magazine; and Vol.1, no.4 (Feb 1847)–Vol.1, no. 11-12 (Dec
1846) as American Chess Magazine. Months of issue not quoted in the
text. 384 pages in complete sequence. No longer published. Sources Betts
7-2; KB; CPL. Availability Koninklijke Bibliotheek—complete; Cleveland
Public Library—complete
Satranç Yayınları: Chess Players Chronicle (The)
Chess Players Chronicle (The) 1841-1902:
1841_1841 British Miscellany and Chess Player’s Chronicle v1 May-Oct 1841
1841_1862 Chess Players Chronicle_complete [21 cilt, pdf]
1863_1867 Chess Players Magazine_complete [5 cilt, pdf]
1868_1871 Chess Players Quarterly Chronicle_complete [2 cilt, pdf]
1872_1900 Chess Players Chronicle [13 cilt, pdf, ciltler 13-16 noksan]
1901_1902 Chess Chronicle [ciltler 17-18 noksan]
1841_1841 British Miscellany and Chess Player’s Chronicle v1 May-Oct 1841
1841_1862 Chess Players Chronicle_complete [21 cilt, pdf]
1863_1867 Chess Players Magazine_complete [5 cilt, pdf]
1868_1871 Chess Players Quarterly Chronicle_complete [2 cilt, pdf]
1872_1900 Chess Players Chronicle [13 cilt, pdf, ciltler 13-16 noksan]
1901_1902 Chess Chronicle [ciltler 17-18 noksan]
617. Chess Player’s Chronicle (The) [England] (1841–1862) Vol.1 (1841)–Vol.13 (1852); Second Series Vol.1 (1853)–Vol.4 (1856); Third Series Vol.1 (1859)–Vol.4, no.43 ( July 1862). Monthly. Editors Howard Staunton (1841–54); R.B. Brien (1854–56). Publisher R. Hastings (1841–52, 1853–56), J.H. Starie (1859–62). London. England. Illus., 22 cm. Magazine. General. English. Note Vol.1 (first series) has title British Miscellany and Chess Player’s Chronicle (The). Editor of third series not given in the text. Superseded by Chess Player’s Magazine (The). Sources Betts 7-1; KB; CPL. Availability Koninklijke Bibliotheek—complete; Cleveland Public Library—[Third Series Vol.4 incomplete].
619. Chess Player’s Magazine (The) (1863–1867) Vol.1 (1863)–Vol.2 (1864); New Series Vol.1 (1865)–Vol.3 (Oct 1867). Monthly. Editor Johann Jacob Loewenthal (1865–67). Publishers Adams & Francis, E. Healey, etc. London. England. 22 cm. Magazine. General. English. Note Supersedes Chess Player’s Chronicle (The). Publisher varies. Superseded by Chess Player’s Quarterly Chronicle (The). Sources Betts 7-9; KB; CPL. Availability Koninklijke Bibliotheek—complete; Cleveland Public Library—complete.
621. Chess Player’s Quarterly Chronicle (The) (1868–1871) Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 1868)–Vol.2 (Dec 1871). Quarterly. Editor A.B. Skipworth. Publishers J. Sampson, Bell & Daldy, etc. York, London, etc. England. 21 cm. Magazine. General. English. Note Replaces Chess Player’s Magazine (The). Continued by Chess Player’s Chronicle (The). Sources Betts 7-12; CPL. Availability Cleveland Public Library— complete.
618. Chess Player’s Chronicle (The) [England] (1872–1900) Vol.3 (1872)–Vol.5, no.3 (Mar 1876); New Series Vol.1, no.1 (1877)–Vol.16, no.508 (1900). Quarterly (1872–75), monthly (1876–80), weekly (irregular) (1881–91). Editors A.B. Skipworth (1872– 75), J. Jenkin (1876), C.E. Rankin (1877–80), W.W. Morgan Jr. (1881–91), C.C. Weekly (1892–1900). Publishers J. Sampson, W.W. Morgan Jr., etc. York, London, etc. England. Illus., 21–27 cm. Magazine. General. English. Note Continues Chess Player’s Quarterly Chronicle (The), with the same numbering. From 1877 discontinuous issues. Vol.5, no.49 (Jan 4, 1881)–Vol.10, no.343 (Mar 1888) has title Chess Player’s Chronicle and Journal of Indoor and Outdoor Amusements (The). Publication suspended June 1892–Feb 1895, Mar 1896–Feb 1899, July–Dec 1899. Continued by Chess Chronicle (The). Sources Betts 7-23; CPL; SLV. Availability Cleveland Public Library—complete; State Library of Victoria — Vol.5, no.49 ( Jan 4, 1881)–Vol.11, no.412 (Mar 28, 1891).
522. Chess Chronicle (The) (1901–1902) Vol.17, no.509 (Sept 4, 1901)–Vol.18, no.537 ( June 25, 1902). Weekly. Publisher W.W. Morgan. New Barnett. England. 18 cm. Magazine. General. English. Note Continues Chess Player’s Chronicle (The), with the same numbering. No longer published. Sources Betts 7-23; KB; CPL. Availability Koninklijke Bibliotheek—No.509–no.514; no.519– no.520; no.523–no.524;no.534; no.536–no.537; Cleveland Public Library—complete.
Satranç Yayınları: Philidorian (The)
1827. Philidorian (The) : A Magazine of Chess, and Other Scientific Games (1837–1838) No.1 (Dec 1837)–no.6 (May 1838). Monthly. Editor William George Walker. Publisher G. Walker & Son. London. England. Illus, diagrs., 21 cm. Magazine. General. English. Note No longer published. Sources CPL; KB; SLV. Availability Koninklijke Bibliotheek—complete; Cleveland Public Library—complete; State Library of Victoria —complete. [Philidorian, 1838, pdf, 1 cilt, complete]
Satranç Yayınları: Palamède (Le)
1778. Palamède (Le) : Revue Mensuelle des Échecs et Autres Jeux (1836–1847) Vol.1 (1836)– Vol.4 (1839); New Series Vol.1 (1842)–Vol.7 (1847). Monthly. Editors Joseph Mery and Louis Charles Mahé de La Bourdonnais (1836–39), Pierre Charles Fournier de Saint-Amant (1842–47). Publisher Au Bureau de la Revue. Paris. France. Illus., ports., cm.21.5 x 14, and from 1842 cm.24.5 x 16.5. Magazine. General. French. Note Subtitle varies “Revue Mensuelle des Échecs,” “Revue Mensuelle des Jeux.” No longer published. Availability Koninklijke Bibliotheek—complete; Cleveland Public Library—complete; State Library of Victoria—Vol.1 (1836); Vol.3 (1838)–Vol.4 (1839); New series Vol.1 (1842)–Vol.7 (1847) [Palamede, 1836-1847, 10 cilt, pdf, complete]
Satranç Yayınları: 1818_1818_Montigny_Neu entdeckte Schachspiel-Geheimnisse
1818: Montigny: Neu entdeckte Schachspiel-Geheimnisse, oder Sammlung der schönsten, meist noch unbekannten Züge beym Schachspiel. In einer bequemen Bezeichnungs-Art zum Selbstunterricht entworfen von einem Liebhaber. Erster Theil und Zweyter Theil. Zweyte verbesserte Auflage. Akademische Kunst-. Musik- und Buchhandlung, Linz 1818. [2 cilt, pdf, complete]
Satranç Yayınları: 1800-1900
1800-1900 yılları arasında yayınlanmaya başlayan satranç periyodiklerini elk. kit.ığıma eklemeyi sürdürüyorum. Başlangıç - Bitiş: 1818_1818_Montigny_Neu entdeckte Schachspiel-Geheimnisse_complete 1900_SchweizerischeSchachzeitung_SUI. Daha önceki yıllardaki kitaplarla bilahare ilgileneceğim.
28 Nisan 2013 Pazar
Türkiye'de 2012 yılında 40 bin kitap yayınlandı
Türkiye'de geçen yıl 39 bin 367 kitap yayınlandı
AA Giriş Saati: 18.04.2013 11:22
Türkiye'de geçen yıl yayıncılar tarafından 39 bin 367 kitap yayınlandı. Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu (TÜİK), 2012 yılına ilişkin Uluslararası Standart Kitap Numarası (ISBN) İstatistiklerini açıkladı. Buna göre, 2012 yılında yayınlanan materyallerin sayısı 2011 yılına göre yüzde 3 arttı. En yüksek artış, yüzde 152,4 ile web tabanlı elektronik kitaplarda gerçekleşti. Söz konusu dönemde yayıncılar tarafından 39 bin 367 kitap, 311 elektronik kitap (DVD, VCD, CD), 2 bin 617 web tabanlı elektronik kitap, 56 kitap kaseti, 64 harita ve 211 diğer materyaller olmak üzere toplam 42 bin 626 materyal için ISBN alındı. Geçen yıl yayınlanan materyallerin yüzde 88'i özel sektör, yüzde 8,6'sı kamu ve eğitim kurumları, yüzde 3,4'ü ise sivil toplum kuruluşları tarafından yayınlandı. Özel sektör tarafından yayınlanan materyaller 2011 yılına göre yüzde 5 arttı. Yayınlanan materyallerin yüzde 34,5'i edebiyat ve retorik, yüzde 34,1'i sosyal bilimler, yüzde 6,7'si coğrafya ve tarih, yüzde 6,6'sı din, yüzde 4,9'u teknoloji (uygulamalı bilimler) konusundan oluştu. Yayınların yüzde 94,6'sının yayın dili Türkçe, yüzde 3,1'inin İngilizce, yüzde 2,3'ünün ise diğer diller oldu.
Karayip Korsanları 5
Karayip Korsanları 5. kez geliyor
Giriş Saati: 15.01.2013 10:27
Kaptan Jack Sparrow'un maceralarını anlatan ve Türkiye'de "Karayip Korsanları" adıyla yayınlanan "Pirates of the Caribbean" serisinin 5. filmi, Temmuz 2015'te gösterime girecek. Disney, Jack Sparrow'ü canlandıran ünlü aktör Johnny Depp'in serinin 5. filminde de başrol oynayacağını açıkladı. Serinin yeni filminin senaryosunu Jeff Nathanson yazdı. Yapımcılığını Jerry Bruckheimer'in üstlendiği filmin yönetmeni ise henüz bilinmiyor.
Karayip Korsanları serisinin 2011'de gösterime giren 4. filmi, "On Stranger Tides (Gizemli Denizlerde)", tüm dünyada 1 milyar dolarlık gişe başarısı yakalamıştı. Serinin ilk filmi "The Curse of the Black Pearl (Siyah İnci'nin Laneti)", 2003'te gösterime girmiş ve Depp'e "Screen Actors Guild", "MTV Movie" ve "Empire" ödüllerinin yanı sıra Altın Küre, BAFTA ve Oscar adaylıkları getirmişti. 2006'da yayınlanan "Dead Man's Chest (Ölü Adamın Sandığı)", 1 milyar dolar barajını en hızlı geçen film olmuştu. Film aynı zamanda, "Titanic" (1997) ve "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (Yüzüklerin Efendisi: Kralın Dönüşü)" (2003) filmlerinin ardından en çok hasılat yapan üçüncü film seçilmişti. Serinin üçüncü filmi "At World's End (Dünyanın Sonu)", 2007'de gösterime girmiş ve 962 milyon dolar ile gelmiş geçmiş en çok kazanan altıncı film olmuştu. Seride Depp'in yanı sıra Geoffrey Rush, Keira Knightley ve Orlando Bloom da rol alıyor.
Karayip Korsanları serisinin 2011'de gösterime giren 4. filmi, "On Stranger Tides (Gizemli Denizlerde)", tüm dünyada 1 milyar dolarlık gişe başarısı yakalamıştı. Serinin ilk filmi "The Curse of the Black Pearl (Siyah İnci'nin Laneti)", 2003'te gösterime girmiş ve Depp'e "Screen Actors Guild", "MTV Movie" ve "Empire" ödüllerinin yanı sıra Altın Küre, BAFTA ve Oscar adaylıkları getirmişti. 2006'da yayınlanan "Dead Man's Chest (Ölü Adamın Sandığı)", 1 milyar dolar barajını en hızlı geçen film olmuştu. Film aynı zamanda, "Titanic" (1997) ve "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (Yüzüklerin Efendisi: Kralın Dönüşü)" (2003) filmlerinin ardından en çok hasılat yapan üçüncü film seçilmişti. Serinin üçüncü filmi "At World's End (Dünyanın Sonu)", 2007'de gösterime girmiş ve 962 milyon dolar ile gelmiş geçmiş en çok kazanan altıncı film olmuştu. Seride Depp'in yanı sıra Geoffrey Rush, Keira Knightley ve Orlando Bloom da rol alıyor.
27 Nisan 2013 Cumartesi
Haftanın Kitabı 24: Yazı Saklama Biçimleri: Bir zamanlar kartaldı!
Haftanın Kitabı 24: Yazı Saklama Biçimleri veya bir zamanlar kartaldı!
Evet, bir zamanlar kartaldık! ya da eskiden Beşiktaşlıydık! :) Haftanın Kitabı köşesi için araştırma yaparken farkettim. On yıl kadar önceki raporlar www sayfalarında html (hyper text markup language veya yaklaşık türkçesiyle Zengin Metin İşaret Dili) formatıyla okuyucuya sunulmuş. Beş yıl öncekiler ise pdf (portable document format veya yaklaşık türkçesiyle Taşınabilir Belge Biçimi) formatında yer almış. 2013 yılı raporları pdf yanında e-pub (epub, electronic publication veya yaklaşık türkçesiyle elektronik belge) formatında da yayınlamaya başlanmış. 1990'lı yıllarda bu raporların formatı doc (Word dosyası) idi. Bilimsel makaleler ise, 1980'lerde geliştirilmeye başlanan, şimdi unutulmuş, ps (post script) sayfa tanımlama dilinde yayınlanırdı. Yazı saklama biçimleri arasında belki de en eskisi ve en basiti düz metin (ascii text) formatı ya da standartıdır. Bir zamanlar Word Perfect vardı. Daha sonraları genelağın gelişmesiyle beraber html popülerleşti. Daha da sonra bilgisayar mimarisi ve işletim sisteminden bağımsızlık paradigmasıyla, dosyaların her ortamda okunabilmesi ve saklanabilmesi yönünden pdf yaygınlaştı. Şimdilerde, cep telefonları sonrası tablet devrinde, yeni e-kitap türleri olaraktan e-pub, mobi, fb2 gibi formatlar zuhur ediyor. Özetleyelim: txt, doc, ps, html, pdf, e-pub. Bilmiyorum ben mi kaçırdım? Twitter, Facebook gibi sosyal ağlardaki yazıttırıları saklamak için yeni formatlar geliştirildi mi?
yazışmak üzere, neşeli okumalar dilerim.
27 nisan 2013 cumartesi, Antalya, Türkiye
Harun Taner <harun.taner.antalya@gmail.com>
27 nisan 2013 cumartesi, Antalya, Türkiye
Harun Taner <harun.taner.antalya@gmail.com>
Gemiler: Queen Anne's Revenge
Queen Anne's Revenge
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Career Pirate Flag of Blackbeard (Edward Teach).svg
Name: Queen Anne's Revenge
Launched: 1710
Renamed: Launched as Concord
La Concorde in 1711
Queen Anne's Revenge in 1717
Captured: By France in 1711
By Benjamin Hornigold and Blackbeard in 1717
Fate: Run aground in 1718 near Beaufort Inlet, North Carolina
General characteristics
Tons burthen: 300 bm
Armament: 40 cannon
Queen Anne's Revenge
U.S. National Register of Historic Places
Nearest city: Atlantic Beach, North Carolina
Area: less than one acre
Built: 1717
Governing body: State
NRHP Reference#: 04000148[1]
Added to NRHP: March 9, 2004
Queen Anne's Revenge was the name of English pirate Blackbeard's flagship, used by him for less than a year,[1] but an effective tool in his prize taking.
In 1718, Blackbeard ran the ship aground at Beaufort Inlet, Carteret County, North Carolina, in the present-day United States.[2] In late 1996, Intersal, a private contractor working for the state of North Carolina in marine recovery, discovered the remains of a vessel likely to be the Queen Anne's Revenge.
1 History
2 Discovery of shipwreck
3 National Register of Historic Places
4 In popular culture
5 References
6 External links
The 300-ton vessel, originally named Concord, was a frigate built in England in 1710. She was captured by the French one year later. The ship was modified to hold more cargo, including slaves, and renamed La Concorde de Nantes. Sailing as a slave ship, she was captured by the pirate Captain Benjamin Hornigold on November 28, 1717, near the island of Martinique. Hornigold turned her over to one of his men —Edward Teach, later known as Blackbeard—and made him her captain. Teach's first mate, Christopher Blackwood (known as Blackbeard's Claw), was feared as a ferocious fighter and led many of Blackbeard's boarding parties. Blackbeard made La Concorde into his flagship, adding cannons and renaming her Queen Anne's Revenge. The name may come from the War of the Spanish Succession, known in the Americas as Queen Anne's War, in which Blackbeard had served in the Royal Navy, or possibly from sympathy for Queen Anne, the last Stuart monarch.[3] Blackbeard sailed this ship from the west coast of Africa to the Caribbean, attacking British, Dutch and Portuguese merchant ships along the way. Shortly after blockading Charleston harbor in May 1718, and refusing to accept the Governor's offer of a pardon, Blackbeard ran Queen Anne's Revenge aground while entering Beaufort Inlet. He disbanded his flotilla and escaped by transferring supplies onto a smaller ship, the Adventure. He stranded several crew members on a small island nearby, where they were later rescued by Captain Stede Bonnet. Some suggest Blackbeard deliberately grounded the ship as an excuse to disperse the crew. Shortly afterward, Blackbeard did surrender and accepted a royal pardon for himself and his remaining crewmen from Governor Charles Eden at Bath, North Carolina. However, he eventually returned to piracy and was killed in combat.
Discovery of shipwreck
Intersal Inc., a private research firm, discovered the wreck believed to be the Queen Anne’s Revenge on November 21, 1996. It was located by Intersal's director of operations, Mike Daniel, who used historical research provided by Intersal's president, Phil Masters and archaeologist David Moore.[4] The vessel is in the Atlantic Ocean in shallow water offshore from Fort Macon State Park, Atlantic Beach, North Carolina. Several of the cannons and more than 16,000 artifacts have been recovered; however, none appear to be of French origin, as would be expected from a French slave ship. They are mostly British, as would be expected with a colonial pirate crew.
For one week in 2000 and 2001, live underwater video of the project was uploaded to the Internet as a part of the DiveLive educational program that reached thousands of children around the world.[5] This project enabled students to talk to scientists and learn about methods and technologies utilized by the archaeology team.
Project Director Mark Wilde-Ramsing of the North Carolina Underwater Archaeology Branch supervised recovery of artifacts from the site through the 2007 field season. In November 2006 and 2007, more artifacts were discovered at the site and brought to the surface. The additional artifacts appear to support the claim that the wreck is that of Queen Anne's Revenge. Among current evidence to support this theory is that the cannon were found loaded. In addition, there were more cannon than would be expected for a ship of this size, and the cannon were of different makes. Depth markings on the part of the stern that was recovered point to it have been made according to the French (and not British) foot measurements.[6]
By the end of 2007, approximately 1/3 of the wreck was fully excavated. Artifacts are undergoing conservation. The North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources set up the website[7] Queen Anne's Revenge to build on intense public interest in the finds. In 2011, the 1.4-tonne (3,100 lb) anchor from the ship was brought to the surface along with a range of makeshift weaponry.[8][9] On August 29, 2011, the National Geographic Society reported that the shipwreck had been confirmed as the Queen Anne's Revenge.[10]
Name: Queen Anne's Revenge
Launched: 1710
Renamed: Launched as Concord
La Concorde in 1711
Queen Anne's Revenge in 1717
Captured: By France in 1711
By Benjamin Hornigold and Blackbeard in 1717
Fate: Run aground in 1718 near Beaufort Inlet, North Carolina
General characteristics
Tons burthen: 300 bm
Armament: 40 cannon
Queen Anne's Revenge
U.S. National Register of Historic Places
Nearest city: Atlantic Beach, North Carolina
Area: less than one acre
Built: 1717
Governing body: State
NRHP Reference#: 04000148[1]
Added to NRHP: March 9, 2004
Queen Anne's Revenge was the name of English pirate Blackbeard's flagship, used by him for less than a year,[1] but an effective tool in his prize taking.
In 1718, Blackbeard ran the ship aground at Beaufort Inlet, Carteret County, North Carolina, in the present-day United States.[2] In late 1996, Intersal, a private contractor working for the state of North Carolina in marine recovery, discovered the remains of a vessel likely to be the Queen Anne's Revenge.
1 History
2 Discovery of shipwreck
3 National Register of Historic Places
4 In popular culture
5 References
6 External links
The 300-ton vessel, originally named Concord, was a frigate built in England in 1710. She was captured by the French one year later. The ship was modified to hold more cargo, including slaves, and renamed La Concorde de Nantes. Sailing as a slave ship, she was captured by the pirate Captain Benjamin Hornigold on November 28, 1717, near the island of Martinique. Hornigold turned her over to one of his men —Edward Teach, later known as Blackbeard—and made him her captain. Teach's first mate, Christopher Blackwood (known as Blackbeard's Claw), was feared as a ferocious fighter and led many of Blackbeard's boarding parties. Blackbeard made La Concorde into his flagship, adding cannons and renaming her Queen Anne's Revenge. The name may come from the War of the Spanish Succession, known in the Americas as Queen Anne's War, in which Blackbeard had served in the Royal Navy, or possibly from sympathy for Queen Anne, the last Stuart monarch.[3] Blackbeard sailed this ship from the west coast of Africa to the Caribbean, attacking British, Dutch and Portuguese merchant ships along the way. Shortly after blockading Charleston harbor in May 1718, and refusing to accept the Governor's offer of a pardon, Blackbeard ran Queen Anne's Revenge aground while entering Beaufort Inlet. He disbanded his flotilla and escaped by transferring supplies onto a smaller ship, the Adventure. He stranded several crew members on a small island nearby, where they were later rescued by Captain Stede Bonnet. Some suggest Blackbeard deliberately grounded the ship as an excuse to disperse the crew. Shortly afterward, Blackbeard did surrender and accepted a royal pardon for himself and his remaining crewmen from Governor Charles Eden at Bath, North Carolina. However, he eventually returned to piracy and was killed in combat.
Discovery of shipwreck
Intersal Inc., a private research firm, discovered the wreck believed to be the Queen Anne’s Revenge on November 21, 1996. It was located by Intersal's director of operations, Mike Daniel, who used historical research provided by Intersal's president, Phil Masters and archaeologist David Moore.[4] The vessel is in the Atlantic Ocean in shallow water offshore from Fort Macon State Park, Atlantic Beach, North Carolina. Several of the cannons and more than 16,000 artifacts have been recovered; however, none appear to be of French origin, as would be expected from a French slave ship. They are mostly British, as would be expected with a colonial pirate crew.
For one week in 2000 and 2001, live underwater video of the project was uploaded to the Internet as a part of the DiveLive educational program that reached thousands of children around the world.[5] This project enabled students to talk to scientists and learn about methods and technologies utilized by the archaeology team.
Project Director Mark Wilde-Ramsing of the North Carolina Underwater Archaeology Branch supervised recovery of artifacts from the site through the 2007 field season. In November 2006 and 2007, more artifacts were discovered at the site and brought to the surface. The additional artifacts appear to support the claim that the wreck is that of Queen Anne's Revenge. Among current evidence to support this theory is that the cannon were found loaded. In addition, there were more cannon than would be expected for a ship of this size, and the cannon were of different makes. Depth markings on the part of the stern that was recovered point to it have been made according to the French (and not British) foot measurements.[6]
By the end of 2007, approximately 1/3 of the wreck was fully excavated. Artifacts are undergoing conservation. The North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources set up the website[7] Queen Anne's Revenge to build on intense public interest in the finds. In 2011, the 1.4-tonne (3,100 lb) anchor from the ship was brought to the surface along with a range of makeshift weaponry.[8][9] On August 29, 2011, the National Geographic Society reported that the shipwreck had been confirmed as the Queen Anne's Revenge.[10]
National Register of Historic Places
Queen Anne's Revenge was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 2004. The reference number is 04000148. It is listed as owned by the state of North Carolina and near Morehead City.[11]
- ^ "National Register Information System". National Register of Historic Places. National Park Service. 2010-07-09.
- ^ a b Brian Handwerk (2005-07-12). ""Blackbeard's Ship" Yields New Clues to Pirate Mystery". National Geographic. Retrieved 2011-05-27.
- ^ republicofpirates.net
- ^ Gray, Nancy (February 1998). "Maps and microfilm: tools of a Blackbeard sleuth". The ECU Report. Retrieved November 22, 2011.
- ^ C Southerly and J Gillman-Bryan. (2003). "Diving on the Queen Anne's Revenge". In: SF Norton (ed). Diving for Science...2003. Proceedings of the American Academy of Underwater Sciences (22nd Annual Scientific Diving Symposium). Retrieved 2008-07-03.
- ^ pbs.org
- ^ qaronline.org: The Queen Anne's Revenge Shipwreck Project - Archaeological Investigations of Blackbeard's Flagship.
- ^ "Blackbeard's Queen Anne's Revenge wreck reveals secrets of the real Pirate of the Caribbean". The Daily Telegraph, UK. May 29, 2011. Retrieved May 29, 2011.
- ^ BBC news report
- ^ Drye, Willie (August 29, 2011). "Blackbeard's Ship Confirmed off North Carolina". Daily News. National Geographic. Retrieved August 29, 2011.
- ^ "National Register of Historical Places - NORTH CAROLINA (NC), Carteret County". National Register of Historic Places. National Park Service. 2007-02-07.
Haftanın Kitabı 23: Karayip Korsanları 4: Gizemli Denizlerde
Haftanın Kitabı 23: Karayip Korsanları 4: Gizemli Denizlerde
Gizemli Denizlerde, Siyah İnci'nin Laneti, Ölü Adamın Sandığı ve Dünyanın Sonu'ndan sonra, Karayip Korsanları dizisinin dördüncü filmidir.
Künye: Karayip Korsanları: Gizemli Denizlerde, Yönetmen: Rob Marshall; Oyuncular: Johnny Depp, Penélope Cruz, Geoffrey Rush; Tür: Macera, Komedi, Fantastik; Vizyon Tarihi: 19 Mayıs 2011; Süre: 2s 21dk
Özet: Kaptan Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp) tehlikeli sulardaki bol aksiyonlu macerasına dördüncü film ile geri dönüyor. Gençlik Çeşmesi'nin bulunması için İngiltere Kralı'na hizmet etmeyi reddeden Sparrow, kentte kendi adıyla gemisine mürettebat toplayan sahte bir kaptanın olduğunu öğrenir. Sahte kaptanı kovalarken, karşısındakinin aslında geçmişinden geri gelen güzeller güzeli Angelica (Penelope Cruz) olduğunu anlar. Angelica da Kral ile aynı şeyin, sonsuz yaşam sağlayan Gençlik Çeşmesi'nin peşindedir. Gençlik yıllarında kalan aşkı ve Angelica'nın şimdiki sahtekar yönü arasında gidip gelen kaptan Jack Sparrow, bir anda kendisini korsan Karasakal’ın (Ian McShane) gemisi Kraliçe Anne’de [1] eşir düşmüş halde bulur. Kralın tarafında ise esir düşen mürettebatı Gibbs ve ezeli rakibi Kaptan Barbossa da ellerindeki tek haritadan yola çıkarak çeşmeye giden yolu ve ayin rituelinin yapılması için gereken diğer 'malzemeleri' toplama niyetindedir. Aynı hedefe giden iki farklı korsanın yolu gözyaşlarını hiçbir şey için feda etmeyen deniz kızlarını avlarken kesişecektir... Uluslararası bir oyuncu kadrosuna sahip filmde, ikinci Kaptan Hector Barbossa rolüyle usta oyuncu Geoffrey Rush, Kaptan Jack’in eski dostu Joshamee Gibbs rolüyle Kevin R. McNally, güvenilir bir misyoner rolüyle Sam Claflin ve gizemli bir deniz kızı rolüyle Astrid Berges-Frisbey de rol alıyor. Yapımcılığını Jerry Bruckheimer ve yönetmenliğini Rob Marshall’ın üstlendiği “Karayip Korsanları: Gizemli Denizlerde” ile serinin dördüncü filmine imza atarken, korsanlar bu film ile ilk kez 3 boyutlu olarak beyazperdeye geliyor... [beyazperde.com]
yazışmak üzere, neşeli okumalar ve seyirler dilerim.
27 nisan 2013 cumartesi, Antalya, Türkiye
Harun Taner <harun.taner.antalya@gmail.com>
[1] Queen Anne's Revenge: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Queen_Anne's_Revenge
Özet: Kaptan Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp) tehlikeli sulardaki bol aksiyonlu macerasına dördüncü film ile geri dönüyor. Gençlik Çeşmesi'nin bulunması için İngiltere Kralı'na hizmet etmeyi reddeden Sparrow, kentte kendi adıyla gemisine mürettebat toplayan sahte bir kaptanın olduğunu öğrenir. Sahte kaptanı kovalarken, karşısındakinin aslında geçmişinden geri gelen güzeller güzeli Angelica (Penelope Cruz) olduğunu anlar. Angelica da Kral ile aynı şeyin, sonsuz yaşam sağlayan Gençlik Çeşmesi'nin peşindedir. Gençlik yıllarında kalan aşkı ve Angelica'nın şimdiki sahtekar yönü arasında gidip gelen kaptan Jack Sparrow, bir anda kendisini korsan Karasakal’ın (Ian McShane) gemisi Kraliçe Anne’de [1] eşir düşmüş halde bulur. Kralın tarafında ise esir düşen mürettebatı Gibbs ve ezeli rakibi Kaptan Barbossa da ellerindeki tek haritadan yola çıkarak çeşmeye giden yolu ve ayin rituelinin yapılması için gereken diğer 'malzemeleri' toplama niyetindedir. Aynı hedefe giden iki farklı korsanın yolu gözyaşlarını hiçbir şey için feda etmeyen deniz kızlarını avlarken kesişecektir... Uluslararası bir oyuncu kadrosuna sahip filmde, ikinci Kaptan Hector Barbossa rolüyle usta oyuncu Geoffrey Rush, Kaptan Jack’in eski dostu Joshamee Gibbs rolüyle Kevin R. McNally, güvenilir bir misyoner rolüyle Sam Claflin ve gizemli bir deniz kızı rolüyle Astrid Berges-Frisbey de rol alıyor. Yapımcılığını Jerry Bruckheimer ve yönetmenliğini Rob Marshall’ın üstlendiği “Karayip Korsanları: Gizemli Denizlerde” ile serinin dördüncü filmine imza atarken, korsanlar bu film ile ilk kez 3 boyutlu olarak beyazperdeye geliyor... [beyazperde.com]
yazışmak üzere, neşeli okumalar ve seyirler dilerim.
27 nisan 2013 cumartesi, Antalya, Türkiye
Harun Taner <harun.taner.antalya@gmail.com>
[1] Queen Anne's Revenge: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Queen_Anne's_Revenge
Haftanın Kitabı 22: Global Catastrophes and Trends - The Next Fifty Years
Haftanın Kitabı 22: Global Catastrophes and Trends - The Next Fifty Years
Bu haftanın kitabı, 2008 yılında yayınlanan Vaclac Smil'in Global Catastrophes and Trends - The Next Fifty Years adlı kitabıdır.
Product Description: Fundamental change occurs most often in one of two ways: as a "fatal discontinuity," a sudden catastrophic event that is potentially world changing, or as a persistent, gradual trend. Global catastrophes include volcanic eruptions, viral pandemics, wars, and large-scale terrorist attacks; trends are demographic, environmental, economic, and political shifts that unfold over time. In this provocative book, scientist Vaclav Smil takes a wide-ranging, interdisciplinary look at the catastrophes and trends the next fifty years may bring. Smil first looks at rare but cataclysmic events, both natural and human-produced, then at trends of global importance, including the transition from fossil fuels to other energy sources and growing economic and social inequality. He also considers environmental change--in some ways an amalgam of sudden discontinuities and gradual change--and assesses the often misunderstood complexities of global warming. Global Catastrophes and Trends does not come down on the side of either doom-and-gloom scenarios or techno-euphoria. Instead, Smil argues that understanding change will help us reverse negative trends and minimize the risk of catastrophe.
Review: "I think Smil should probably be set as homework for every Member of Parliament, and there will be a test later..." Dick Pountain The Political Quarterly "At home alike in both the natural and human sciences, the author gives an incisive analysis of the way change occurs both in terms of unpredictable discontinuities and gradually unfolding trends. His treatment of trends over the next fifty years is especially interesting, and his pages on America's 'retreat' informed and convincing. Smil offers not predictions but a balanced, holistic treatment of what may be ahead for humanity. Anyone interested in history, demography, economics, environmentalism, or risk analysis, along with globalization, will find this a 'must' book."--Bruce Mazlish, Professor of History Emeritus, MIT
Detailed review: Global Catastrophes and Trends: The Next Fifty Years, by Vaclav Smil. 2008. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press. 307 + xi. ISBN 978-0-262-19586-7, $29.95.
Global Catastrophes and Trends is a recent book from the prodigious multilingual Canadian researcher, synthesizer, and author, Vaclav Smil. Many readers will be familiar with his previous work on energy, pollution, ecology, and China, much of which informs this volume on issues faced by humankind in the next 50 years. Drawing upon a large and varied literature (36 bibliography pages, perhaps 700 items), Smil divides his book into four components: fatal discontinuities, unfolding trends, environmental change, and dealing with risk and uncertainty. The first section deals with low probability/high impact events such as asteroid collisions and mega volcanoes, as well as pandemics, violence, and, briefly, imaginable surprises including nuclear war. The section on evolving trends documents energy transitions and changes to the global order, where Smil seems to enjoy the gradual decline of the United States and ascendance of China. Evolving environmental trends warrant separate treatment—global warming, sea level rise, biodiversity loss, antibiotic resistance, and ecosystem services among them. Finally, Smil provides an overview of relative, perceived, and absolute risk, prescribing no solutions but urging attention to what may emerge as real threats, observing that “catastrophes and endings are also opportunities and beginnings” (p. 253). There is some original research in this book, but its considerable value is the synthesis of kinds, magnitudes, and probabilities of different threats into a comparable framework. The scale of analysis is “global civilization” (p. 251), with lesser reference to other personal and family concerns such as children, accidents, safety, health, employment, and poverty, which in cross-cultural studies of popular threat perception have been shown to be more salient than global issues, regardless of awareness. Value added in Smil’s synthesis includes juxtaposition of issues with interesting graphics focusing on OM (order of magnitude) and use of logarithmic scales. Smil brings a careful, analytical, and quantitative perspective in comparing threats, in many cases having to rework data from multiple sources into similar measures. There is also an edge to Smil’s writing: humor, chagrin, opinion, even contempt make this as much a scientific essay as analysis. Among graphics this reviewer found particularly interesting were those showing volcanic eruptions and deaths (Figure 2.10, p. 28); magnitude of wars (Figure 2.19, p. 51); deaths from terrorism compared to other causes (Figure 2.24, p. 65); and global flows of renewable energy (Figure 3.4, p. 83), although strictly speaking the last shows energy flow resources (wind, tides, solar radiation) not renewable energy resources (biomass). Figure 5.3 (p. 227) is equally interesting, a log-log graph of “fatalities per person per hour of exposure vs. average annual number of fatalities.” It would not be surprising if many of Smil’s graphics end up in classroom presentations. [] Issues such as these should not seriously detract from the Global Catastrophes and Trends core message: change is inevitable and sometimes anticipated. Understanding relative fear, measuring the real odds, thinking and acting rationally, taking opportunities that already exist, and using coping strategies—all suggest that our demise is not inevitable. Nevertheless, do not just sit there, worry! [Review by C. Gregory Knight]
Vaclac Smil resmi www sayfası: http://www.vaclavsmil.com/
İndirme bağlantısı
Review: "I think Smil should probably be set as homework for every Member of Parliament, and there will be a test later..." Dick Pountain The Political Quarterly "At home alike in both the natural and human sciences, the author gives an incisive analysis of the way change occurs both in terms of unpredictable discontinuities and gradually unfolding trends. His treatment of trends over the next fifty years is especially interesting, and his pages on America's 'retreat' informed and convincing. Smil offers not predictions but a balanced, holistic treatment of what may be ahead for humanity. Anyone interested in history, demography, economics, environmentalism, or risk analysis, along with globalization, will find this a 'must' book."--Bruce Mazlish, Professor of History Emeritus, MIT
Detailed review: Global Catastrophes and Trends: The Next Fifty Years, by Vaclav Smil. 2008. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press. 307 + xi. ISBN 978-0-262-19586-7, $29.95.
Global Catastrophes and Trends is a recent book from the prodigious multilingual Canadian researcher, synthesizer, and author, Vaclav Smil. Many readers will be familiar with his previous work on energy, pollution, ecology, and China, much of which informs this volume on issues faced by humankind in the next 50 years. Drawing upon a large and varied literature (36 bibliography pages, perhaps 700 items), Smil divides his book into four components: fatal discontinuities, unfolding trends, environmental change, and dealing with risk and uncertainty. The first section deals with low probability/high impact events such as asteroid collisions and mega volcanoes, as well as pandemics, violence, and, briefly, imaginable surprises including nuclear war. The section on evolving trends documents energy transitions and changes to the global order, where Smil seems to enjoy the gradual decline of the United States and ascendance of China. Evolving environmental trends warrant separate treatment—global warming, sea level rise, biodiversity loss, antibiotic resistance, and ecosystem services among them. Finally, Smil provides an overview of relative, perceived, and absolute risk, prescribing no solutions but urging attention to what may emerge as real threats, observing that “catastrophes and endings are also opportunities and beginnings” (p. 253). There is some original research in this book, but its considerable value is the synthesis of kinds, magnitudes, and probabilities of different threats into a comparable framework. The scale of analysis is “global civilization” (p. 251), with lesser reference to other personal and family concerns such as children, accidents, safety, health, employment, and poverty, which in cross-cultural studies of popular threat perception have been shown to be more salient than global issues, regardless of awareness. Value added in Smil’s synthesis includes juxtaposition of issues with interesting graphics focusing on OM (order of magnitude) and use of logarithmic scales. Smil brings a careful, analytical, and quantitative perspective in comparing threats, in many cases having to rework data from multiple sources into similar measures. There is also an edge to Smil’s writing: humor, chagrin, opinion, even contempt make this as much a scientific essay as analysis. Among graphics this reviewer found particularly interesting were those showing volcanic eruptions and deaths (Figure 2.10, p. 28); magnitude of wars (Figure 2.19, p. 51); deaths from terrorism compared to other causes (Figure 2.24, p. 65); and global flows of renewable energy (Figure 3.4, p. 83), although strictly speaking the last shows energy flow resources (wind, tides, solar radiation) not renewable energy resources (biomass). Figure 5.3 (p. 227) is equally interesting, a log-log graph of “fatalities per person per hour of exposure vs. average annual number of fatalities.” It would not be surprising if many of Smil’s graphics end up in classroom presentations. [] Issues such as these should not seriously detract from the Global Catastrophes and Trends core message: change is inevitable and sometimes anticipated. Understanding relative fear, measuring the real odds, thinking and acting rationally, taking opportunities that already exist, and using coping strategies—all suggest that our demise is not inevitable. Nevertheless, do not just sit there, worry! [Review by C. Gregory Knight]
Vaclac Smil resmi www sayfası: http://www.vaclavsmil.com/
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yazışmak üzere, neşeli okumalar dilerim.
26 nisan 2013 cuma, Antalya, Türkiye
Harun Taner <harun.taner.antalya@gmail.com>
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