29 Nisan 2013 Pazartesi

Satranç Yayınları: American Chess Magazine (The)

122. American Chess Magazine (The) : A Periodical Organ of Communication for American Chess-Players (1846–1847) Vol.1, no.1 (Nov 1846)–Vol.1, no.11-12 (Dec 1846 [i.e. Sept 1847]). Monthly. Editor Charles Henry Stanley. Publishers R. Martin, Wiley & Putnam. New York, London. USA, England. Illus., plates, 22 cm. Magazine. General. English. Note Originally published Vol.1, no.1 (Nov 1846)–Vol.1, no.3 ( Jan 1847) as Chess Player’s Magazine; and Vol.1, no.4 (Feb 1847)–Vol.1, no. 11-12 (Dec 1846) as American Chess Magazine. Months of issue not quoted in the text. 384 pages in complete sequence. No longer published. Sources Betts 7-2; KB; CPL. Availability Koninklijke Bibliotheek—complete; Cleveland Public Library—complete